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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>96THE EDUCATION OF AYN RAND, 1905–1943In the end Hollywood gave The Fountainhead the boost it needed.The idea of a movie was particularly tantalizing to Rand. The novel wasselling well, but she still worried it would suffer the same ignominy asWe the Living. A movie would put her name before a wide audience andensure the book’s longevity. Rand turned down her first film offer onlyweeks after publication, sure her book would be<strong>com</strong>e <strong>more</strong> valuablewith time. In the fall of 1943 her new agent reported a <strong>more</strong> promisingproposal from Warner Brothers. Rand drove a hard bargain. After nearlytwo decades in the industry she had learned her lesson. “Red Pawn,” thefirst scenario she sold, had doubled in price soon afterward, netting atidy profit for the studio, which she had never seen. She would settle fornothing less than fifty thousand dollars, a princely sum. Scarcely twoyears earlier she had leapt at a paltry advance of a thousand dollars.Warner Brothers balked at the demand, but she wouldn’t budge.In November the offer came through. Almost better than the moneywas the studio’s interest in having her write the script. It meant that sheand Frank would return to Hollywood, a prospect Rand dreaded. Butonly by being there in person, Rand knew, could she hope to ensurethe integrity of her story and preserve the essence of her ideas. WarnerBrothers even dangled before her the prospect of consulting on the film’sproduction. When the deal was finalized Frank and Isabel Paterson bundledher into a taxicab and set off for Saks Fifth Avenue. “You can get anykind of fur coat provided it’s mink,” Frank told his wife. 55 Rand’s instinctwas to hoard the money, to save every penny so she would always havetime to write. Frank and Isabel knew better. After so many years of hardwork, Rand had finally be<strong>com</strong>e a “name.”

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