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More oxford <strong>books</strong> @ www.OxfordeBook.<strong>com</strong><strong>Fore</strong> <strong>more</strong> <strong>urdu</strong> <strong>books</strong> <strong>visit</strong> <strong>www.4Urdu</strong>.<strong>com</strong>46THE EDUCATION OF AYN RAND, 1905–1943This painstaking research also enabled Rand to surpass the limitationsof her first attempts at fiction. Characterization had always beena particular problem for Rand. In Night of January 16th her charactersare powerful symbols but unconvincing human beings. We the Livingcircumvented this weakness because Rand made most of her characters<strong>com</strong>posites of people she had known in Russia. Now she repeated thistechnique by drawing liberally on biography and observation.The great exception to this method was Dominique. To capture thepsychology of Dominique, a bitter and discontented heiress, Rand conjuredup her own darkest moods. She tapped into all the frustration andresentment of her early years, her feeling that the world was rigged infavor of the mediocre and against the exceptional, and then imagined,“[W]hat if I really believed that this is all there is in life.” 20 In the novelHoward would teach Dominique to let go of these poisonous attitudes,just as Rand herself had be<strong>com</strong>e <strong>more</strong> optimistic with her professionalsuccess and freedom to write.She <strong>com</strong>bined this introspection with a new analysis of Frank, herbeloved but troubling husband. When they first met, Frank was brimmingwith hopes and plans for his Hollywood career. He had severalnear misses, including a screen test with D. W. Griffith for a part thathelped establish Neil Hamilton (later famous on TV as Batman’s PoliceCommissioner Gordon). But as Rand’s fortunes soared ever upward,Frank’s collapsed. In New York, with Rand’s in<strong>com</strong>e sufficient to supportthem both, Frank idled. He took charge of paying the householdbills but made little effort to establish himself in a new line of work. Itwas an inexplicable turn of events for Rand, who valued career aboveall else.Now, as she crafted Dominique, Rand hit on a satisfying explanationfor Frank’s passivity. Dominique, like Frank, would turn away fromthe world in anger, “a withdrawal not out of bad motives or cowardice,but out of an almost unbearable kind of idealism which does notknow how to function in the journalistic reality as we see it aroundus.” 21 Dominique loves Howard, yet tries to destroy him, believing he isdoomed in an imperfect world. Confusing and conflicted, Dominiqueis among Rand’s least convincing creations. More important, though,was the effect this character had on Rand’s marriage. Seeing Frank asDominique glossed over his professional failures and cast his defeated

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