The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

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“That’s right, that’s right,” the Dalai Lamaacknowledged.“So, then how can you distinguish betweenthe two?” I inquired.“I think sometimes it can be judged only inretrospect, either by the individual or from a thirdperson’s perspective.” <strong>The</strong> Dalai Lama paused,then joked, “Maybe the person should go to thecourt to find out if it is a case <strong>of</strong> inflated pride orarrogance!” He laughed.“In making the distinction between conceitand valid self-confidence,” he went on, “onecould think in terms <strong>of</strong> the consequences <strong>of</strong> one’sattitude—conceit and arrogance generally lead tonegative consequences whereas a healthy selfconfidenceleads to more positive consequences.So, here when we are dealing with ‘selfconfidence’you need to look at what is the

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