The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

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theorists have related both low and inflated selfconfidenceto disturbances in people’s self-imageand have searched for the roots <strong>of</strong> thesedisturbances in people’s early upbringing. Manytheorists see poor self-image and inflated selfimageas two sides <strong>of</strong> the same coin,conceptualizing people’s inflated self-image, forinstance, as an unconscious defense againstunderlying insecurities and negative feelings aboutthemselves. Psychoanalytically orientedpsychotherapists in particular have formulatedelaborate theories <strong>of</strong> how distortions in selfimageoccur. <strong>The</strong>y explain how the self-image isformed as people internalize feedback from theenvironment. <strong>The</strong>y describe how people developtheir concepts <strong>of</strong> who they are by incorporatingexplicit and implicit messages about themselvesfrom their parents and how distortions can occur

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