The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

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and so on, they can control the disease andprevent the symptoms and the negative sequelae<strong>of</strong> the disease.”“Yes, that’s the way!” he enthusiasticallyresponded. “I agree with you. Whatever steps,however small, one can take toward learning toreduce the influence <strong>of</strong> the negative emotions canbe very helpful. It can definitely help one live ahappier and more satisfying life. However, it isalso possible for a layperson to attain high levels<strong>of</strong> spiritual realization—someone who has a job,a family, a sexual relationship with one’s spouse,and so on. And not only that, but there have beenpeople who didn’t start serious practice until laterin life, when they were in their forties, fifties, oreven eighties, and yet they were able to becomegreat highly realized masters.”“Have you personally met many individuals

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