The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

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clearly in your mind. <strong>The</strong>n, on the other side,visualize yourself as the embodiment <strong>of</strong> a selfcenteredperson, with a customary selfishattitude, indifferent to the well-being and needs <strong>of</strong>others. And then in between this suffering group<strong>of</strong> people and this selfish representation <strong>of</strong> yousee yourself in the middle, as a neutral observer.“Next, notice which side you are naturallyinclined towards. Are you more inclined towardsthat single individual, the embodiment <strong>of</strong>selfishness? Or do your natural feelings <strong>of</strong>empathy reach out to the group <strong>of</strong> weakerpeople who are in need? If you look objectively,you can see that the well-being <strong>of</strong> a group orlarge number <strong>of</strong> individuals is more importantthan that <strong>of</strong> one single individual.“After that, focus your attention on the needyand desperate people. Direct all your positive

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