The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

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After I read about this, I asked the Dalai Lama,“I know that you’ve contemplated this prayer agreat deal, but do you really think it is applicablethese days? I mean, it was written by a monkliving in a monastery—a setting where the worstthing that might happen is someone gossipingabout you or telling lies about you or perhaps theoccasional punch or slap. In that case it might beeasy to ‘<strong>of</strong>fer the victory’ to them—but intoday’s society the ’hurt’ or bad treatment onereceives from others might include rape, torture,murder, etc. From that standpoint, the attitude inthe prayer really doesn’t seem applicable.” I felta bit smug, having made an observation that Ithought was rather apt, the ol’ bon mot.<strong>The</strong> Dalai Lama was silent for severalmoments, his brow furrowed deep in thought,

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