The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

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everyone who insulted him. When thisperiod <strong>of</strong> trial was over the Master said tohim, “Now you can go to Athens and learnWisdom.” When the disciple was enteringAthens, he met a certain wise man who satat the gate insulting everybody who cameand went. He also insulted the disciple,who burst out laughing. “Why do youlaugh when I insult you?” said the wiseman. “Because,” said the disciple, “forthree years I have been paying for thiskind <strong>of</strong> thing and now you give it to me fornothing.” “Enter the city,” said the wiseman, “it is all yours ...”Th e fourth-century Desert Fathers, an assortment<strong>of</strong> eccentric characters who retired to the desertsaround Scete for a life <strong>of</strong> sacrifice and prayer,

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