The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

The Art of Happiness

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foreigners.... and the best way I can come upwith to try to make things ‘fair,’ to be happy, isto derive ways to cheat people out <strong>of</strong> theirmoney. But the thing is, even when it works and Isqueeze a few extra rupees out <strong>of</strong> anunsuspecting tourist, I can’t imagine that it’s avery satisfying way to be happier or a verysatisfying life.... Anyway, the more I imaginedmyself as the cabdriver, somehow the less angryI was at him. His life just seemed sad.... I mean, Istill don’t agree with what he did and we wereright to get out <strong>of</strong> the cab, but I just couldn’t getworked up enough to hate him for it....”I was silent. Startled, in fact, at how little Ihad actually absorbed from the Dalai Lama. Bythat time I was beginning to develop anappreciation <strong>of</strong> the practical value <strong>of</strong> his advice,such as “understanding another’s background,”

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