Gifts Donations and Entertainment Procedure May ... - Anglo American

Gifts Donations and Entertainment Procedure May ... - Anglo American

Gifts Donations and Entertainment Procedure May ... - Anglo American


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ANGLO AMERICAN SUPPLY CHAINPROCEDUREGIFTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND DONATIONSContents1.1 Background ................................................................................................................................ 21.2 Purpose...................................................................................................................................... 31.3 Application.................................................................................................................................. 31.4 Scope ......................................................................................................................................... 32.0 GIFTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND DONATIONS .......................................................................... 32.1 Principles.................................................................................................................................... 32.2 Generally Acceptable.................................................................................................................. 42.3 Unacceptable Practices:............................................................................................................. 53.0 PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................................ 63.1 Declaration <strong>Procedure</strong>................................................................................................................ 63.1.1 Recording of <strong>Gifts</strong>, <strong>Entertainment</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Donations</strong>....................................................................... 63.1.2 Capturing <strong>and</strong> Verification of Declaration <strong>Procedure</strong> .................................................................. 63.1.3 Maintenance of Declaration Register.......................................................................................... 63.2 Transparency of <strong>Procedure</strong> ........................................................................................................ 73.3 Management of Unacceptable <strong>Gifts</strong> Received ............................................................................ 73.4 Consultation on <strong>Procedure</strong> ......................................................................................................... 74.0 CONTRAVENTION OF THE PROCEDURE ............................................................................... 74.1 Breach of this <strong>Procedure</strong> ............................................................................................................ 74.2 Speakup ..................................................................................................................................... 8

IntroductionThe <strong>Anglo</strong> Supply Chain <strong>Gifts</strong>, <strong>Entertainment</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Donations</strong> <strong>Procedure</strong> applies to allemployees <strong>and</strong> contractors within the <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> Supply Chain which includes groupsupply chain staff <strong>and</strong> all supply chain staff in the <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> business units(“employees”).1.1 Background<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> Supply Chain aims to have professional relationships with all its suppliers.Employees should therefore seek to maintain the highest st<strong>and</strong>ard of integrity in all businessrelationships, reject any business practice which might reasonably be deemed improper <strong>and</strong>foster the highest st<strong>and</strong>ards of industry behaviour.This procedure is not intended to detract from the desirability of fostering good relations withbusiness partners <strong>and</strong> other stakeholders through legitimate, occasional social interactions.However, offering or providing inappropriate gifts or entertainment may cause embarrassmentto <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> <strong>and</strong> damage our reputation. Particular concerns arise when the offering ofgifts <strong>and</strong> entertainment may be connected in some way with an actual or potential businesstransaction or regulatory approval. Even if the intent is not corrupt, there is still a risk that arecipient or an objective third party may perceive the gift or entertainment to be an attempt togain an improper advantage.Any gift or entertainment is always unacceptable if it:• is offered or made in exchange for a contract, a permit or any other specific benefit• is offered to obtain an improper advantage in the conduct of business• is in breach of local or international bribery laws• would, if it became public, adversely affect our reputation• may create a sense of obligation• may influence, or be perceived to influence, business judgement• may create, or appear to create, a conflict of interest.• is obtained through solicitation (i.e. employees requesting favours or gifts fromsuppliers or potential suppliers)

1.2 PurposeThis procedure in not intended to replace the <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> Business Integrity Policy &Performance St<strong>and</strong>ards (Business Integrity Policy) <strong>and</strong> the Business Integrity Policy willcontinue to be applicable. Rather, the purpose of this procedure is to set out specific st<strong>and</strong>ardsof conduct regarding the giving <strong>and</strong> receiving of gifts, entertainment <strong>and</strong> donations across the<strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> Supply Chain. Should a Business Unit have a procedure on gifts,entertainment <strong>and</strong> donations in place, the more stringent of the two procedures will takeprecedence, subject to compliance at all times with the Business Integrity policy.1.3 Application1.3.1 This procedure exp<strong>and</strong>s on the principles of the Business Integrity Policy <strong>and</strong> providesmore definitive practices, appropriate to the nature of supply chain activities, on thegiving <strong>and</strong> receiving of gifts, entertainment <strong>and</strong> donations from a supplier or businesspartner; <strong>and</strong> the recordal thereof.1.3.2 It is the responsibility of all employees to read this procedure in conjunction with theBusiness Integrity Policy.1.4 ScopeThis procedure applies to all employees <strong>and</strong> contractors within the <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> SupplyChain which includes group supply chain staff <strong>and</strong> all supply chain staff in the <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong>business units (“employees”); whether directly or indirectly involved in purchasing activities.2.0 GIFTS, ENTERTAINMENT AND DONATIONS2.1 PrinciplesNo employee may accept or receive any gift, entertainment or other gratuity from any supplierto <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> or bidder for <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> business, including suppliers which are part ofthe <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> Group. Likewise, an employee should not offer any gift or gratuity to asupplier. This includes gifts given at annual celebrations (e.g. Christmas <strong>and</strong> the Chinese NewYear). Certain exceptions exist <strong>and</strong> these are detailed in point 2.2 Generally Acceptable.

<strong>Gifts</strong> that are received in cases where it would be disrespectful to decline, or where they arereceived by unsolicited mail or delivery, must be disclosed to a member of the Supply Chainleadership team (listed in Appendix 1) in writing (i.e. via email) <strong>and</strong> declared as per section 3.1.These gifts will be donated to charity or disposed of in accordance with the Business Unit’spractices.2.2 Generally AcceptableThe importance of building legitimate working relationships <strong>and</strong> constructive business networksis fundamental to our business. As such, certain exceptions come into play <strong>and</strong> are generallyacceptable:2.2.1 Modest, occasional meals that are business related (e.g. the meal takes place in thecourse of a meeting or another occasion, the purpose of which is to hold bona fidebusiness discussions).2.2.2 Corporate br<strong>and</strong>ed merch<strong>and</strong>ise of modest value (not exceeding USD20 or itsequivalent in any other currency) may be occasionally accepted or given (e.g. pens,key fobs, lanyards, note pads) only if the items are legitimately part of an <strong>Anglo</strong><strong>American</strong> or supplier organised event / conference.2.2.3 Occasional attendance at team-building or celebratory events (e.g., volleyball games,rock climbing) that include the team as a whole, not just the decision-makers. Suchevents should be of modest value <strong>and</strong> the related costs shared between <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>and</strong>suppliers.2.2.4 Attendance at no more than two events (e.g. sports, concerts) in any one calendar year<strong>and</strong> no more than one with a particular supplier, <strong>and</strong> subject to the following criteria:• Prior approval must be obtained from a direct manager• The value of the ticket must not be extravagant• The supplier must be in attendance• The supplier must be an existing supplier• The funding of any travel <strong>and</strong> accommodation costs for the supplier <strong>and</strong>employee must be born respectively by the supplier <strong>and</strong> <strong>Anglo</strong><strong>American</strong>.

2.2.5 Attendance at supplier sponsored charity events if <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> makes a donation tothe charity:Even with the above exceptions, the following guidelines must be taken into account:• They are not lavish or disproportionate in the context in which the gift or entertainmentis provided.• The value is reasonable <strong>and</strong> appropriate to the recipient’s position <strong>and</strong> circumstances<strong>and</strong> to the occasion.• The circumstances <strong>and</strong> value of the gift do not create an appearance of bad faith orimpropriety, <strong>and</strong> could not reasonably be misunderstood by the recipient or others as abribe, even in hindsight.• The frequency of gifts or hospitality provided to the same recipient would not create theappearance of impropriety.• Care should be exercised when accepting or using advertising or promotional / br<strong>and</strong>editems <strong>and</strong> participating in activities that could give the appearance of promoting onesupplier over another.Note: During sourcing events (e.g. contract <strong>and</strong> price negotiations) no gift, entertainment orgratuity is acceptable.2.3 Unacceptable Practices:Certain types of gifts <strong>and</strong> entertainment are never permissible:2.3.1 Any gift of cash or cash equivalent (e.g. gift certificates, loans, stock, stock options etc).2.3.2 Offers of personal favours or other treatment of a preferential nature (for examplegoods or services free of charge or at artificially reduced prices) compared to thosecommonly available in the marketplace.2.3.3 Payment of expenses for shopping trips (e.g. offers to cover personal shoppingexpenses while travelling).2.3.4 <strong>Gifts</strong> to, or the provision of entertainment for, spouses, family members or otherindividuals having a close personal relationship with the recipient.2.3.5 Payment of accommodation or travel costs of any nature while travelling locally orabroad.2.3.6 Holiday or weekend accommodation of any nature

2.3.7 ‘Adult’ entertainment or any sort of event involving lewd behaviour2.3.8 <strong>Gifts</strong> of alcoholic beverages such as bottles of wine <strong>and</strong> spirits2.3.9 Supplier invitations to extravagant events (e.g. sports, either as participator orspectator, concerts, hunting trips etc.) may not be accepted, including free tickets tosuch events (excluding the exceptions documented above in point 2.2.) This appliesequally to business time as well as private time (i.e. leave should not be taken to avoidthis guideline).2.3.10 Product samples that are offered by suppliers or requested by the Supply Chainfunction for personal use.3.0 PROCEDURE3.1 Declaration <strong>Procedure</strong>3.1.1 Recording of <strong>Gifts</strong>, <strong>Entertainment</strong> <strong>and</strong> <strong>Donations</strong>All gifts, entertainment <strong>and</strong> donations both incoming <strong>and</strong> outgoing – whetheraccepted or declined <strong>and</strong> irrespective of value – must be disclosed <strong>and</strong>registered in the gifts, entertainment <strong>and</strong> donations register. This must be doneon a monthly basis in the “<strong>Gifts</strong>, <strong>Entertainment</strong> & <strong>Donations</strong> Register” found inthe Supply Chain tab on theSource.3.1.2 Capturing <strong>and</strong> Verification of Declaration <strong>Procedure</strong>It remains the responsibility of the employee to ensure that, on a monthly basis,the relevant information is captured electronically in the Declaration Register.The Supply Chain leadership team (listed in Appendix 1) is responsible forreviewing the register on a monthly basis.3.1.3 Maintenance of Declaration RegisterThe management <strong>and</strong> maintenance of the Declaration Register is theresponsibility of the Compliance & Policies Manager from the Supply ChainStrategy <strong>and</strong> Performance Team.

3.2 Transparency of <strong>Procedure</strong>To ensure proper application of the <strong>Anglo</strong> Supply Chain <strong>Gifts</strong>, <strong>Entertainment</strong> <strong>and</strong><strong>Donations</strong> procedure, a copy of this document will be available internally on ‘theSource’<strong>and</strong> on the external <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> group website.3.3 Management of Unacceptable <strong>Gifts</strong> ReceivedAny unacceptable gifts received (due to it being disrespectful to decline or through mail/ delivery) must be reported to a member of the Supply Chain leadership team (listed inAppendix 1) who will coordinate the distribution to an appropriate charity or disposal ofin accordance with the Business Unit’s practices.3.4 Consultation on <strong>Procedure</strong>Employees should consult with a member of the Supply Chain leadership team (or theirdesignated responsible person as detailed in Appendix 1) regarding any items thatextend beyond the scope of this procedure or where they are in doubt as to theappropriateness of this procedure.4.0 CONTRAVENTION OF THE PROCEDURE4.1 Breach of this <strong>Procedure</strong>This <strong>Procedure</strong> is introduced to ensure that employees are aware of the steps inaccepting or donating gifts <strong>and</strong> entertainment <strong>and</strong> appropriate governance is in place toreduce potential reputational risk introduced through accepting or making gifts,donations <strong>and</strong> entertainment <strong>and</strong> to safeguard both <strong>Anglo</strong>’s <strong>and</strong> the supplier’s interests.As such, breach of this procedure is considered a serious matter <strong>and</strong> may result indisciplinary action in accordance with disciplinary procedures including the Policy onBusiness Irregularities. Disciplinary actions may involve sanctions up to <strong>and</strong> includingsummary dismissal. We are committed to reporting all instances of corruption <strong>and</strong> otherforms of dishonesty to the relevant authorities <strong>and</strong> to facilitating criminal action againstthe individual(s) concerned <strong>and</strong> we will seek redress for any losses arising from suchactions.

If employees believe that their own or someone else’s actions have, or may havecontravened the procedure, they should advise their direct manager or fraud line (e.g.Speak Up) at the earliest opportunity.4.2 SpeakupThe Speakup facility provides a confidential <strong>and</strong> secure means for our employees,contractors, suppliers, business partners <strong>and</strong> other external stakeholders to report <strong>and</strong>raise concerns about conduct which is contrary to our values <strong>and</strong> st<strong>and</strong>ards. Speakupprovides telephone, email <strong>and</strong> website contact operated by independent companies inthe regions that <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> operates. The facility is available 24 hours a day,seven days a week <strong>and</strong> includes translation services. A link to the Speakup facility isprovided on theSource. Speakup can also be contacted via www.anglospeakup.com orby emailing anglocorp@anglospeakup.com. <strong>Anglo</strong> <strong>American</strong> will not tolerate any formof retaliation against employees or suppliers raising concerns in good faith. Allegationsof retaliation against or harassment or intimidation of an employee or supplier by othersas a result of a call to Speakup will be investigated <strong>and</strong> appropriate action taken,including disciplinary action up to <strong>and</strong> including dismissal of the employee responsiblefor reprisals.

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