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<strong>Portage</strong> Northern Forensics2011 State Champs10th Consecutive Win

From the Superintendent“It has been a privilege to serve with so many staff, parents and community members whoare committed to making a positive difference for students in our little corner of the world.”Dear Friends and Colleagues:As I close out my remaining time in the District, I want to express my gratitude to each ofyou for providing a special place where our young people thrive and grow. Each day we havehundreds of volunteers working in our schools, businesses that are contributing to supportstudent events, and parents who are partnering with dedicated staff toinspire students to reach their potential. The past few years have beenchallenging for every school district in Michigan, and <strong>Portage</strong> is noexception. But by working together, we have made tremendousstrides for our students.Since I was hired nearly four years ago, we have achieved anumber of extremely difficult tasks in this economic climate. Overthat period of time, <strong>Portage</strong> voters passed not one, but threerequests for tax renewals as well as $119 million in bond projects.As a result, we initiated four major building projects: two newelementary schools, 12th Street and Lake Center; a new Central High School; and a tremendouslyrenovated Northern High School. We also secured donated land from Pfizer to build anew transportation/maintenance building and we are in the process of upgrading technologythroughout all schools and classrooms. In the midst of all of these improvements, we haveimplemented millions in cost-savings to balance the budget.While I am proud of these accomplishments, I hold in highest regard those which reflectthat student achievement is our highest priority. Our students are making great stridesacademically, despite the many financial obstacles in our way:• Our high school students perform in reading and other core academic areas on par withthose from top tier districts throughout the state such as Birmingham, Rochester and Ann Arbor.• Our curriculum is more tightly aligned with state and international standards.• Our teachers are working more closely than ever before with parents and each other aboutstudent academic performance in order to make sure that all students excel at the next stage oftheir lives.• Our quality programs have been protected.• Our new initiatives include fourth and fifth grade Spanish and a five-year partnership withWestern Michigan University to teach Chinese language and culture.With such engaged parents and supportive community, there is no doubt that this is agreat place for students to learn and grow. This is coupled with our exceptional staff, whodemonstrates daily their genuine care, dedication, and willingness to take risks in order to bebetter as individuals and as a district. I have never doubted for a moment the strength of theirtalent, the goodness in their hearts, and their intentions to do the right things for what mattersmost to our families and community—our young people.It has been a privilege to serve with so many staff, parents and community members whoare committed to making a positive difference for students in our little corner of the world. Iassure you that each day I attempted to lead the District with the utmost integrity, as I havethroughout my entire career. There are many fond memories I will take with me, andI will leave behind my very best wishes for future success.Warmest regards,Marsha A. WellsCareer HighlightsSuperintendent,<strong>Portage</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> since 2007Superintendent,Grand Ledge <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>Superintendent, Delton Kellogg <strong>Schools</strong>Director of Instruction,<strong>Portage</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>Associate Superintendent for Instruction,Charlotte <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>Director of Instructional Services,Caledonia <strong>Schools</strong>Principal at elementary andmiddle schools, HartlandMiddle School teacher, Hartland <strong>Schools</strong>Elementary teacher, Grand LedgeProfessional LeadershipExecutive Board, Michigan Assoc.of School AdministratorsBoard of Directors, <strong>Portage</strong> Advisory Council,Kalamazoo ChamberBoard of Directors, United Wayof Greater Lansing Area<strong>Portage</strong> Rotary ClubEducationBA, Michigan State UniversityMA in Reading Instruction, MSUCompleted doctoral course work inEducational Administration andLabor Relations, MSUHonorsJaycees Outstanding Young Educator AwardLifetime Achievement Award, NationalCongress of Parents & TeachersMarsha A. Wells, Superintendent323-5000www.portageps.org <strong>Page</strong> 3

District News<strong>PPS</strong> Forensics Teams Place Firstand Second at State CompetitionOn May 6-7, the <strong>Portage</strong> Northern High School forensics team placed first and Central HighSchool took second at the Michigan Interscholastic Forensic Association State Finals tournamentheld at Oakland University.Nearly 80 schools and more than 800 students from across the state participated in thecompetition.This is Northern’s 10th straight state title and the 13th in the program’s 46-year history,more than any other Class A school in Michigan.In addition to the teams’ successes, the Huskies received 10 individual first place statechampionship titles and Central High earned 10 individual trophies and six semifinalist plaques.The first place state championship titles include:„ Nolan Gapske and Troy Robertson, Northern, Duo Interpretation„ Buchanan Highhouse, Northern, Prose Interpretation 9/10.„ Laura Jewett, Northern, Informative Speaking„ Brennan Mange, Northern, Impromptu Speaking„ Philip Mulder, Northern, Extemporaneous Speaking„ Maddy Price, Northern, Original Oratory„ Hannah Sawyer, Northern, Broadcasting„ Elizabeth Stone, Northern, Dramatic Interpretation„ Brittanie Trevarrow, Central, Poetry (undefeated season)„ Nat Zegree, Northern, Prose Interpretation (Won national title in 2010)„ Kari Bormann, Ronni Hapman, Mary Fletcher, Adam Mayer, Drew Moshier,Nathan Novaria, Emily Vellom, and Jake Vogds, Northern, Multiple Interpretationselection, Spring AwakeningPhilip Mulder, Maddy Price, and Nat Zegree have also qualified to compete this month atthe 2011 National Forensic League competition in Dallas, Texas.Community Forum Scheduled on Swimming Pools<strong>Portage</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> is holding a community forum on Wednesday, June 8, at 6:30 p.m., in the Northern HighSchool community room about long-term planning for swimming pools in the District. The session will includea briefing by Tower Pinkster Titus Associates, the firm that is conducting a facilities review and comprehensivemaster plan for the District. This forum is open to the public and no RSVP is required. For those who areinterested but cannot attend, there will be a follow-up meeting in the fall to review the status of swimmingpools and other facilities master plan details.American Legion AnnouncesScholarship WinnerKelli Veldman, a senior at Central High School, has received theAmerican Legion Post 207 scholarship for $500. Veldman will studybiomedical sciences and chemistry at Grand Valley State Universityin the fall. Last year’s recipient was Emily Piper.Elementary Artworkon Display atMichigan MuseumAshely Staples (left)and Emily Lin.Kris OuvryArt pieces created by Lake Centerstudents Emily Lin and Ashleigh Staples,and Moorsbridge student KrisOuvry, have been selected to be displayedat the Michigan Historical Museumand Library in Lansing.Lin’s watercolor of birch trees,Ouvry’s sunset and sunrise scenes, andStaples’ oil pastel painting of a sunsetwere among the top 100 elementarypieces selected from the state of Michigan.A panel of artists chose the artworkbased on uniqueness, quality, andcreativity.“I am proud to have students represent<strong>Portage</strong> schools for their artisticachievements,” said Marge Staron, artteacher at Lake Center. “We have astrong art department here at <strong>PPS</strong>,which is a very important, integral partof our curriculum.”Additionally, Lin’s painting isamong the top 15 pieces selected andwill be displayed at the Michigan ArtEducator’s Conference this fall at theRadisson hotel in Kalamazoo. “Emilyis a fine artist with many skills whichdeserved to be recognized,” saidStaron.Although Lake Center and Moorsbridgehave been represented in the top100 in the past, this is the first time apiece from Lake Center has been chosenfor the top 15.<strong>Page</strong> 4www.portageps.org323-5000

District NewsCommunity SurveyResidents Satisfied with Academic Reputation;Majority Want District to be Among Best in State and NationA recent survey of <strong>Portage</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> residentssaid that 48.9% are very satisfied with the District’sacademic reputation, while another 37.7%reported being somewhat satisfied. Meanwhile,53% said that the benchmark for student achievementshould be as good as the top school districtsin the nation, with 30.3% saying that <strong>Portage</strong><strong>Schools</strong> should be as good as the top districts inMichigan.The random survey of 2,000 residents wasconducted during January and February by theKercher Center for Social Research at WesternMichigan University to gauge citizen viewpointson District services and issues. The survey had a30.3% response rate.Responding to a list of priority areas for theDistrict, five areas out of 9 received ratings at40% or higher:• Expand initiatives that focus on math andscience came in first (51%)• Maintain small elementary class size(46.4%)• Expand attention given to individualstudent needs (43.8%)• Expand the variety of challengingcurriculum options at all grade levels (43.3%)• Expand initiatives that focus on verbal andwritten communication (42.5%)On the importance of preparing students tobe competitive in a global economy and society,78% said very important, with 18.6% sayingsomewhat important.Other highlights:• Almost a fifth (18.5%) are District alumni,54.1% have had children attend <strong>PPS</strong>, 30.4% havechildren currently attending <strong>PPS</strong>, and 20.8% havechildren who will attend <strong>PPS</strong>.• 88.7% reported having home internet access,up from 87.5% last year and 84.2% from the2009 City of <strong>Portage</strong> survey.Focus GroupsFocus groups were conducted betweenFebruary and April with community membersand parents. Read the results atwww.portageps.org/departments/communications.Marguerite Higgins, fifth grade teacher at Amberly, 38 yearsElizabeth Isaak, second grade teacher at Angling Road Elementary, 34 yearsDavid Joslin, electrician, 36 yearsDave Nicolette, principal at Haverhill Elementary, 16 yearsCindy Noverr, third grade teacher at Haverhill Elementary, 23 yearsKenneth Packard, bus driver, 8 yearsSherry Quinn, third grade teacher at Haverhill, 24 yearsKaren Rieser, second grade teacher at Amberly Elementary, 26 yearsLaura Shockley, third grade teacher at Lake Center Elementary, 30 yearsMarjorie Staron, art teacher at Lake Center, 13.5 yearsRobert Stewart, electrician, 37 yearsConnie Therkildsen, kindergarten teacher at Moorsbridge Elementary, 17.5 yearsRolland Wessell, bus driver, 2 yearsKaren Witvoet, principal at Angling Road Elementary, 22 yearsJane Ziemer, math teacher at West Middle School, 16 yearsRetiring teachers were honored during a teacher retirement dinner at the BeaconClub on May 17. Front row, from the left, Joanna Heyd, Cindy Noverr, KatherineBrennan, and Kathy Evans; back row, from the left, Sherry Quinn, Jane Ziemer,Connie Therkildsen, Marjorie Staron, and Elizabeth Isaak.Thank You for Your Service!The District would like to thank the following staff members fortheir years of dedication to the students, families, and communityof <strong>PPS</strong>. Congratulations on your retirement!Pamela Albin, special education teacher at Central High School, 14 yearsDave Babcock, principal at Central Middle School, 38 yearsKatherine Brennan, behavior interventionist, 26 yearsKathy Evans, kindergarten teacher at Lake Center Elementary, 22 yearsJoanna Heyd, language arts and social studies teacher at West Middle School, 19 years323-5000www.portageps.org <strong>Page</strong> 5

Academic ExcellenceHarris Westley McKee FranklinLinn Henry Parde PerkRobert P. Amrhein ScholarshipMackenzie Henry is the fourth recipient of this $4,000scholarship, established in memory of this Northern HighSchool 2006 alum, for a Northern graduating senior.Mackenzie plans to study Political Science at the Universityof Michigan.Previous recipients are Josh Mayer, Amrit Kamboj, andConnor Sorensen.Amy Elizabeth Bousfield ScholarshipJasmine Franklin is the second recipient of this $1,000scholarship, established in memory of the Central High School2008 graduate who passed away on the threshold of her collegemusical theatre studies. The scholarship is for a graduating CentralHigh senior who plans to study musical theatre or theatre.Jasmine plans to study performing arts and musical theatreat Howard University.Analisha Santini was the first recipient of this scholarship.Chuck Evans ScholarshipSean Parde is the third recipient of this $2,500 scholarship,established in memory of the former Northern High Schoolprincipal. The scholarship is for a graduating Northern Highsenior who plans to major in Education and become a teacher.Sean plans to begin at Kalamazoo Valley Community Collegeand then transfer to Western Michigan University to finishhis elementary school certification.Previous recipients are Kristopher Barron and Emily Piper.Sue Nelmes ScholarshipChloe Westley is the seventh recipient of this $1,000 scholarship,established by Mustang alum Robyn Roberts in honor ofher former Social Studies teacher, now retired. The scholarshipis for a graduating female Central High senior who plans tostudy history at a four-year college.Chloe plans to study history and journalism at MichiganState University.Previous recipients are Mia Atkinson, Andrea Blanchard,Hannah McQuitty, Jenna Teachout, Nicole Rodia, and RosaleaPedrolini.Scott Hammond EFE Endowed ScholarshipKelsey Linn is the third recipient of this $500 scholarshipestablished in memory of the long-time member of Information& Technology Systems of <strong>Portage</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>.The scholarship is for a graduating senior from CentralHigh or Northern High School who participated in the KalamazooRESA’s Education-for-Employment programwith plans to pursue a technology-relatedfield of study.Kelsey, graduating from Northern HighSchool, plans to attend the Honors College atArizona State University and pursue a degreein broadcast journalism.Previous recipients are ClaytonMacRitchie and Mitchell Woolley.Board of EducationEndowed ScholarshipAngela Harris is the seventh recipient ofthis $500 scholarship, established in honor ofthe service of past <strong>Portage</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>Board of Education president Kevin Hollenbeck,Ph.D. The scholarship is for a graduatingsenior from Northern High or Central HighSchool to study education, public policy, or relatedfields such as public administration.Angela plans to study Early Education atCentral Michigan University.Previous recipients are Emily Berner,Lindsay Bowman, Dawn Ramsdill, AngelaWillson, Josh Mayer, and Logan Wessendorf.Dwight Hodgin Endowed ScholarshipTaylor Perk is the ninth recipient of this$500 scholarship named in memory of thisCentral High School faculty member. Thescholarship is for a graduating Mustang senior.Taylor plans to study Early Education atWestern Michigan University.Previous recipients are Jeremy Renda,Kyle Kuzmick, Rosa Espinoza, Lori Goodwin,Peter Thompson, Ben Sladek, Edward Ball,Katie Drenth, and Valerie Glasscock.Ken Draayer ScholarshipEricka McKee is the ninth recipient ofthis $500 scholarship named in memory of thelocal businessman who owned Dunshee Body& Frame. The scholarship is for a senior ateither Central or Northern who has participatedin the Education-for-Employment auto-techprogram and plans to pursue an auto-techcareer. She will attend KVCC.Previous recipients are Christon May,Jeff Bickings, Taylor Pobuda, John Jasinski,Al Curry, Travis Ridenour, Dustin Bunker,and Warrick Coe.<strong>Page</strong> 6 www.portageps.org 323-5000

Connecting with CommunityA message from theKalamazoo CountySubstance Abuse Task ForceSpring brings about excitement for students as theymake plans for graduation and summer vacation. Thistime of year is a high-risk time for underage drinking. Asparents and guardians, being informed and prepared cankeep our children safe.Parents play a major role in their children's choicesabout alcohol, tobacco or other drugs. In a recent nationalsurvey of parents and teens by the National Center on Addictionand Substance Abuse at Columbia University,one-third of teen partygoers reported they had recently attendeda party where teens were drinking alcohol or usingdrugs while a parent was present. By age 17, nearly half(46 percent) of teens have been at such parties where parentswere present.While most students will make healthy choices,some may feel pressured to make alcohol and other substancespart of their celebrations. That is why we urge youto talk to your teen and make a plan about what to do ifthey find themselves in a situation where alcohol and/orother drugs are present. Talk to them now about the risksof underage drinking and drug abuse. They need the facts.For additional resources or information, go towww.kzootaskforce.com.Curious Kids is the area’s #1 choicefor child care! We’ve expanded to offercare in three convenient locations thissummer.While the weather outside issizzling, stay cool at our main site on W.Milham, or jump into the fun at 12thStreet or Lake Center Elementary.Visit our website today atwww.curiouskidsportage.com to learnabout our child care and preschool opportunities,daily summer field trips, andnews about our seven locations duringthe school year.Please call 323-6780 to register.Registration for the<strong>Portage</strong> Senior CenterCelery City ShowcaseContinuesThe City of <strong>Portage</strong> Celery CityShowcase (CCS) is a multi-generationaltalent competition that is opento performers of all ages. Cash prizesof up to $300 will be awarded to thetop three acts in each age bracket;youth (12-18), adult (19-50) andsenior (51+).The competition will be held atthe <strong>Portage</strong> Northern High SchoolAuditorium the evenings of June 15,16, and 17. There is no fee to auditionor perform in the Showcase, but all interestedperformers must complete aregistration form, which is available atthe <strong>Portage</strong> Senior Center, 320 LibraryLane, or online at www.facebook.com/<strong>Portage</strong>SeniorCenter.Performers of all types – vocalist,dancers, musicians, comedians, varietyacts, etc., are invited to audition.All proceeds from the Showcasedirectly support older adult programsand services offered at the <strong>Portage</strong>Senior Center.NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED 2011-2012 BUDGETPLEASE TAKE NOTICE that on June 20, 2011 at 6:30 p.m. in the Community Room of the AdministrationBuilding of <strong>Portage</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>, 8111 S. Westnedge, <strong>Portage</strong>, Mich., the Board of Education of <strong>Portage</strong> <strong>Schools</strong>will hold a public hearing to consider the District’s proposed 2011-2012 budget.The Board may not adopt its proposed 2011-2012 budget until after the public hearing. A copy of the proposed2011-2012 budget, including the proposed property tax millage rate, is available for public inspection during normalbusiness hours in the Business Office of the Administration Building.The property tax millage rate proposed to be levied to support the proposed budget will be the subjectof this hearing.This notice is given by order of the Board of Education.Randy Van Antwerp, Board Secretary<strong>Page</strong> 8 www.portageps.org 323-5000

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