pole sitao - Darfu4b.da.gov.ph - Department of Agriculture

pole sitao - Darfu4b.da.gov.ph - Department of Agriculture pole sitao - Darfu4b.da.gov.ph - Department of Agriculture

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Local NameSitao (Tagalog)Sitao (Bisaya)Utong (Ilocano)Latuy (Marinduque)Scientific Name – Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp.cv.group SesquipedalisBrief DescriptionPole sitao is a climbing herbaceous crop raisedbasically for its pods, although shoots & young leavesare also edible. Pods are slender, 30-60 cm long &somewhat inflated with many seeds whose colordepends on the variety.Uses and Nutritional ValueThe succulent young pods, which have a highnutritional value, can be sautéed alone or cooked alongwith other vegetables. The nutritional composition per100 g of the pod is shown below:_____________________________________________Nutrient AmountWater 89.0 gProtein 3.0 gFat 0.5 gCarbohydrates 5.2 gFiber 1.3 gCalcium 64.0 mgPhosphorous 54.0 mg.Iron 1.3 mg.Vitamin A 167.0 IUVitamin B1 0.07 mgVitamin C 28.0 mgProduction ManagementVarietiesCSL-19- is an early maturing variety, whichflowers 37 to 43 days after planting. Pods are lightgreen, crisp, smooth textured, & non-fibrous with goodeating quality. CSL-19 is moderately resistant to blackbean aphids and bean fly. Other light-green-poddedvarieties are CSL-14, CSL-15, CSL-16, PS 3 & PS 1.83-00 2- is a variety with dark green leaves,which flowers 39-48 days after planting. It ismoderately resistant to bean fly and pod borer & has ahigh level of resistance to fusarium wilt. Pods are darkgreen with purple tips, crisp, non-fibrous, and withgood eating quality. Seed coat is very thick. Otherdark-green-podded varieties are Sandigan, CSD-4, 87-005, Acc 228, CSD-36 and 89-020.Climatic and Soil RequirementsPole sitao is well adapted to the lowlandtropics with a temperature range of 20-35 o C. It growsbest under full sunlight although it can also toleratepartial shading.Adequate supply of water and a rich friable,fertile soil promotes healthy growth and good qualitypods.Cultural ManagementPre-germinate or directly sow seeds in pots ordrill 2.5 to 3.5 cm deep in the plots with a distance of30 cm. Construct trellis/stakes, 200-250 m. long tosupport the vines after the seedlings have fullydeveloped. Boxes, plastic twines, abaca twines or wirewill also help support the climbing habit of the crop.Apply organic waste to enhance crop vigor andyield. Mulch the crop with grass clippings and kitchenwaste.To minimize pest occurrence and damage,plant marigold and holy basil (solasi) in borders asinsect repellant. Spread grated coconut waste over theplant to invite ants, which feed on worms. Spray hotpepper extract with soap against aphids and pod borers.HarvestingPick young pods six to seven weeks afterplanting or when seeds become visible on the outline ofthe pod. Fresh pods left in the field becomes tough anddissolved. Seeds become swollen, which reducesyielding capacity. Harvest every 2-3 days.For marketing, 20-40 pods may be bundled.Store in a cool (8 o C), dry place up to four weeks.

Local NameSitao (Tagalog)Sitao (Bisaya)Utong (Ilocano)Latuy (Marinduque)Scientific Name – Vigna unguiculata (L.)Walp.cv.group Sesquipe<strong>da</strong>lisBrief DescriptionPole <strong>sitao</strong> is a climbing herbaceous crop raisedbasically for its pods, although shoots & young leavesare also edible. Pods are slender, 30-60 cm long &somewhat inflated with many seeds whose colordepends on the variety.Uses and Nutritional ValueThe succulent young pods, which have a highnutritional value, can be sautéed alone or cooked alongwith other vegetables. The nutritional composition per100 g <strong>of</strong> the pod is shown below:_____________________________________________Nutrient AmountWater 89.0 gProtein 3.0 gFat 0.5 gCarbohydrates 5.2 gFiber 1.3 gCalcium 64.0 mgPhos<strong>ph</strong>orous 54.0 mg.Iron 1.3 mg.Vitamin A 167.0 IUVitamin B1 0.07 mgVitamin C 28.0 mgProduction ManagementVarietiesCSL-19- is an early maturing variety, whichflowers 37 to 43 <strong>da</strong>ys after planting. Pods are lightgreen, crisp, smooth textured, & non-fibrous with goodeating quality. CSL-19 is moderately resistant to blackbean a<strong>ph</strong>ids and bean fly. Other light-green-poddedvarieties are CSL-14, CSL-15, CSL-16, PS 3 & PS 1.83-00 2- is a variety with <strong>da</strong>rk green leaves,which flowers 39-48 <strong>da</strong>ys after planting. It ismoderately resistant to bean fly and pod borer & has ahigh level <strong>of</strong> resistance to fusarium wilt. Pods are <strong>da</strong>rkgreen with purple tips, crisp, non-fibrous, and withgood eating quality. Seed coat is very thick. Other<strong>da</strong>rk-green-podded varieties are Sandigan, CSD-4, 87-005, Acc 228, CSD-36 and 89-020.Climatic and Soil RequirementsPole <strong>sitao</strong> is well a<strong>da</strong>pted to the lowlandtropics with a temperature range <strong>of</strong> 20-35 o C. It growsbest under full sunlight although it can also toleratepartial shading.Adequate supply <strong>of</strong> water and a rich friable,fertile soil promotes healthy growth and good qualitypods.Cultural ManagementPre-germinate or directly sow seeds in pots ordrill 2.5 to 3.5 cm deep in the plots with a distance <strong>of</strong>30 cm. Construct trellis/stakes, 200-250 m. long tosupport the vines after the seedlings have fullydeveloped. Boxes, plastic twines, abaca twines or wirewill also help support the climbing habit <strong>of</strong> the crop.Apply organic waste to enhance crop vigor andyield. Mulch the crop with grass clippings and kitchenwaste.To minimize pest occurrence and <strong>da</strong>mage,plant marigold and holy basil (solasi) in borders asinsect repellant. Spread grated coconut waste over theplant to invite ants, which feed on worms. Spray hotpepper extract with soap against a<strong>ph</strong>ids and pod borers.HarvestingPick young pods six to seven weeks afterplanting or when seeds become visible on the outline <strong>of</strong>the pod. Fresh pods left in the field becomes tough anddissolved. Seeds become swollen, which reducesyielding capacity. Harvest every 2-3 <strong>da</strong>ys.For marketing, 20-40 pods may be bundled.Store in a cool (8 o C), dry place up to four weeks.

Source: Pole Sitao Production GuideInfo Bulletin No. 154/1999PCARRDReproduced By:<strong>Department</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Agriculture</strong>Region IV –B(MiMaRoPa)Cost and Return Analysis Per HectareITEMS AMOUNT(P)VARIABLE COSTS P 40,300A.Labor (P150.MD)Plowing 1,500Harrowing 1,000Fertilization (4x)(10MD) 1,500Planting (3 MD) 450Irrigation (7x) 21MD 3,150Hilling-up (4MD) 600Trellising/twine installation(6MD) 900Vine training (3MD) 450Weeding (10 MD) 1,500Spraying (3x) (3MD) 450Harvesting (10x) (30 MD) 4,500Sub-total 16,000B.MaterialsSeeds (15 kg) 6,750FertilizersChicken manure (350bags) 12,250Complete (2 bags) 960Ammonium <strong>ph</strong>os<strong>ph</strong>ate (2bags)1,070Muriate <strong>of</strong> potash (2 bags) 960InsecticideLannate (3L) 1,050Sevin (3kg) 1,260Sub-total 24,300FIXED COSTS 20,063Land Rental 5,000Depreciation5 pcs. Scythe (2yrs) 633 pcs. Shovel (3 yrs) 755 pcs. Hoe (3 yrs) 1252 knapsack sprayers (5 yrs) 8001 grass cutter (5yrs) 2,000Interest on loans at 20% int p.a. 12,000TOTALCOSTS 60,363GROSS INCOME a 94,000 -188,000NET INCOME 33,637- 127,637aWith marketable yield <strong>of</strong> 9.4 t/ha at P10-20/kg.

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