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Paris (ly2j-1929)8 Iup the spirit of an era. Loulou gave it to me, and I can still seeDaudet's phrase: "As you go north, the eyes are refined and extinguished."Close by, there are some lines from Edmond de Goncourt:"Anyone who cannot feel passionate love~for women or flowers orbibelots or wine~anyone who is not in some way unreasonable orunbalanced, will never never never have any talent for literature . . .A brilliant, if unpublished, thought." Elsewhere on the fan, there'san unusual stanza by Zola:Ce que je wux pour mon royaumeC'est a na porte un vert sentier,Berceau f dun kglantierEt long comme trois brim de chaume. *Shortly after my arrival, I met Picasso in Manolo Angeles Ortiz'sstudio on the rue Vercingktorix. He was already a highly controversialartist, but despite his friendliness and gaiety, he nonetheless seemedto me selfish and egocentric. Not until the Civil War, when hefinally took a stand, did I feel he was a human being; at that point,we saw each other rather frequently. Once he gave me a small painting,a woman on a beach, but it was lost during the war. Rumorhad it that just before World War I, when Picasso's friend Apollinairewas interrogated by the police after the famous Mona Lisa caper,Picasso was asked to be a character witness. Instead of coming toApollinaire's defense, he repudiated him, a bit like Saint Peter denyingChrist. On another occasion, the Catalonian ceramist Artigas,one of his close friends, went to Barcelona in 1934 with an art dealerto see Picasso's mother. She invited them to lunch, and during themeal, she told them that there was a trunk in the attic filled withdrawings that her son had done when he was very young. When shetook them upstairs and showed them the work, the dealer made an*In my kingdom I want / A green path at my door, I A cradle of eglantine I As long asthree blades of wheat

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