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Paris (1925 -1929)IN 1925, I learned that an organization called the InternationalSociety of Intellectual Cooperation was being formedin Paris under the aegis of the League of Nations. When Eugeniod'Ors was appointed to represent Spain, I told the director ofthe Residencia that I wanted to go with Eugenio as a sort ofsecretary. I got the job, but since the organization hadn't reallycome into being yet, I was told to go to Pans, read Le Tempsand The Times every day to perfect my French and learn someEnglish, and just wait. <strong>My</strong> mother paid for my ticket and promisedto send me a monthly check.When I arrived in Paris, I had no idea where to stay, so I headedfor the Hotel Ronceray in the passage Jouffroy, where my parentshad spent their honeymoon in 1899 and where, incidentally, I'dbeen conceived. Three days later, I found out that Unamuno was inParis; it seemed that some French intellectuals had outfitted a boatand gone to rescue him from his exile in the Canary Islands. Heparticipated in a daily peiia at La Rotonde in Montparnasse, whereI met my first me'tt?ques, those "half-breed foreigners" the French rightwing was always vilifying for cluttering up the sidewalks of Paris

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