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Madrid-The Residencia (I 917-1 925 ) 73shown with Catherine Deneuve in Tvistanu.) Once the ritual wasover, we returned to the city and wandered the labyrinthine streets,on the lookout for adventure.Our adventures tended toward the bizarre, like the day we meta blind man who took us to his home and introduced us to his family,all of whom were also blind. There was no light in the house, nolamps or candles, but on the walls hung a group of pictures ofcemeteries. The pictures were made entirely of hair, right down tothe tombs and the cypresses.On another occasion, late one snowy night, as Ugarte and I werewalking through the narrow streets, we heard children's voices chantingthe multiplication tables. Sometimes the voices would stop suddenlyand we'd hear laughter, then the graver voice of the schoolmaster,then the chanting again. I managed to pull myself up to thewindow by standing on Ugarte's shoulders, but as I did so, thesinging ceased abruptly. The room, like the night, was totally darkand silent.Not all our adventures were quite so hallucinatory, however.There was a military officers' school in Toledo, and whenever a brawlbroke out between a cadet and someone in the city, all the cadet'sfriends would join forces and wreak brutal vengeance on the upstartwho'd dared to challenge one of them. The cadets had formidablereputations, needless to say. One day, as we were passing two ofthem in the street, one grabbed Maria-Teresa and shouted, "Qukcachonda atas! "-a dubious carnal compliment. She protested loudly;I came to her rescue and knocked both cadets down with a few wellaimedpunches. Pierre Unik ran over to help, kicking one who waslying on the ground. (We scarcely had reason to vaunt our bravery,since there were about seven of us and only two of them.) As wewalked away, two civil guards, who'd been watching the scene froma safe distance, came over; but instead of reprimanding us, theymerely suggested we leave Toledo as fast as possible.After the Posada de la Sangre was leveled when Franco tookToledo, I stopped visiting the city, and didn't resume my pilgrim-

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