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Madrid-The Resihza (I 9 I 7-1 925) 71where all the important things seemed to be happening. (Primo deRivera eventually exiled him to the Canary Islands.) He was a seriousand very famous man, but he always seemed pedantic and utterlyhumorless to me.LET US leave famous men for a moment and turn to places, particularlythe magical city of Toledo, which I discovered in 192 I whenI went there for a few days with the philologist Solalinda. <strong>My</strong> firstmemories are of a pedormance of Don Juan Tmorio and an eveningat a brothel, where, since I had no desire to avail myself of herservices, I hypnotized the girl and sent her to knock at Solalinda'sdoor.Toledo filled me with wonder, more because of its indefinableatmosphere than for its touristic attractions. I went back many timeswith friends from the Residencia until finally, in 1923, on SaintJoseph's Day, I founded the Order of Toledo. I was the grand master,Be110 the secretary. Among its founding fathers were hrca and hisbrother Paquito, Sanchez Ventura, Pedro Garfias, August0 Casteno,the Basque painter Josk Uzelay, and one revered female, the librarianErnestina Gonzalez, a student of Unamuno.The first rank was composed of knights, or caba[leros. Now, as Iread through my old lists, I see the names of Hernando and hulouViiies; Alberti; Ugarte; my wife, Jeanne; Ricardo Urgoiti; Solalinda;Salvador Mi (bllowed by "demoted"); Hinojosa ("exmted"); Maria-Teresa IAn (Alberti's wife); Renk Crevel; and Pierre Unik. Also onthe list, but occupying the more modest second rank of esc~&o, orsquire, are Gorges Sadoul; Roger Desormikre and his wife, Colette;the cameraman Eli btar; Aliette Legendre, the daughter of thedirector of the French Institute in Madrid; the painter Ortiz; andAM-Maria Custodio. The most prominent "guest of the squires''was Moreno Villa, who reigned over four other "guests" and laterwrote an impressive article about our Order. At the bottom camethe "guests of the guests of the squires"-Juan Vicens and MarcelinoPascua.To advance to the rank of abul.?ero, one had to adore Toledo

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