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Fornos. The medical students knew Rafaela, and they were not unreasonablysuspicious of my claims; so to avoid any trickery on theirpart, I gave them no hint of what was coming. I simply sat downat their tablethe cafe was only a step away from the brothel-andconcentrated on Rahela. Silently, I ordered her to rise and join me.Ten minutes later, eyes blank and totally unaware of what she wasdoing, she walked into the cafe. Silently, I ordered her to $it downnext to me, which she did. Then 1 talked to her, soothed her, andwoke her up. (Eight months dter this experiment, Rafaela died. Herdeath puzzled and unsettled me, and I stopped playing hypnotist.)On the other hand, I did a fair bit of table magic, despite thefact that its supernatural aspects held no interest for me. I've seenmany a table rise and stay suspended in midair, the victim of somemysterious magnetic force that seemed to come from the peoplegrouped around it. And I've seen tables give precise replies to questions,as long as one of the people, however unconsciousIy, couldreceive them.Somet~mes, too, I ventured Into prophecy. The Assassin's Gamewas one of my favorites, Imagine a room with a dozen people in it.You choose what seems to be a particularly receptive female (it onlytakes a couple of slmple tests to determine which one). Then ask theothers to choose an assassin and a victim from among themselves,and to hide the hypothetical weapon in this imaginary crime somewherein the room, While these p-rocedures were under way, I wouldleave; then I would return, allow myself to be bl~ndfolded, and takethe woman's hand. Slowly, holding her hand, we'd walk around theroom, and with alarming frequency I could ident~e the criminal,the victim, and the hiding place, guided only by the involuntaryand almost imperceptible pressure of the Innocent female hand inmine.Sometimes I'd give the game a more amusing twist. While I wasout of the room, everyone had to choose a special object* piece ofhrniture, a painting or book, a bibelot-and touch it. They weretold not to choose just anything; it had to be an object that had some

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