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Monte awlCampo anzuril/oPor la hnura desiertaVa caminando an olivoUn soloOlivo, tSalvador Dali arrived at the Residencia three years after I did.The son of an attorney from Figueras, in Catalonia, he had set hissights on the Academy of Fine Arts; we used to call him the "Czechoslovakianpainter," although for the life of me I can't remember why.I do remember, however, passing his room one morning when thedoor was open and, glancing inside, seeing him putting the finishingtouches on a superb portrait.''The painter from Czechoslovakia's done an incredible painting,"I rushed to tell Lorca.The word spread, and soon a group of people had converged onDali's room to view the finished product, whereupon he was instantlyadopted into the group. Along with Federico, he became my closestfriend. We were inseparable; Lorca nurtured quite a grand passionfor Dali, but our Czechoslovakia!! painter remained unmoved.He was a shy young man with long hair and a loud, deep voice.Indifferent to protocol and to life's little exigencies, he wore enormoushats, huge ties, a long jacket that hung to his knees, andputtees. Many people saw his strange appearance as an act of "vestimentary"provocation, and he had to put up with a fair bit of publicinsult, but he dressed that way only because he liked to. He alsowrote poems, which were actually published; and as early as 1926or '27 he had a!! exhibition of his paintings in Madrid, along withseveral other modern painters like Peinado and Vines.I remember when he went to take the entrance exam for the Fine?Blue sky / Yellow field 1 / Blue mountain I Yellow field 1 / On the empty plain /Waves an olive tree / / Just one / I Olive tree

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