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Madrid-The Residenela (I 9 I 7-1 925) 61synthesizing adjective or the startling phrase, like "/a noche ajusttcladal'-nighton trial-or night's sandals. Published in the journalHorizonte, this poem marked Alberti's debut as a serious writer. Iloved it, and our friendship grew stronger. During our years at theResidencia we were rarely apart, and we continued to see each otherin Madrid during the early stages of the Civil War. Later, he wasdecorated by Stalin during a trip to Moscow, then lived in Argentinaand Italy during the Franco years. Subsequently, he returned toSpain, where he lives still.Pepin Bello was our third musketeer. Born in Huesca in Aragon,Bello was neither a painter nor a poet, but a gentle and whollyunpredictable medical student who managed never to pass a singleexam. His outstanding characteristic was his delight in announcingbad news. I can still hear him shouting in 1936, "Franco's on hisway! He's crossing the Manzanares!" His brother Manolo was laterexecuted by the Republicans, and Bello himself spent the final yearsof the war hiding in an embassy.Another member of the group was the poet Hinojosa, who camefrom a rich family of landed gentry in the Mhlaga region. As boldand avant-garde in his poems as he was conservative in his politicalbehavior, he belonged to the far-right party of Lamanie de Clairac.When we knew each other at the Residencia, he had already publishedtwo or three collections of poetry; later he too was executedby the Republicans.Federico Garcia Lorca arrived at the Residencia from Granadatwo years after I did. Recommended by his sociology professor, DonFernando de 10s Rios, he'd already published a prose work entitledImpresiones y paisajes, where he described the trips he'd taken withDon Fernando and other students from Andalusia. Federico wasbrilliant and charming, with a visible desire for sartorial elegancehis ties were always in impeccable taste. With his dark, shining eyes,he had a magnetism that few could resist. Two years older than I,and the son of a rich landowner, he'd come to Madrid to studyphilosophy, but he soon abandoned his studies and became an im-

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