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the air show given by the French aviator Vkdrines. We children werebeside ourselves; for the first time, we were actually going to see aman fly! The entire city gathered at a bend in the road called BuenaVista; the hillside was packed as we watched Vedrines's plane riseinto the air-about twenty meters off the ground. The crowd applaudedwildly, but to tell the truth, I was too busy catching lizardsto pay attention. (When you cut off the tips of their tails, the piecesstill wiggled a bit among the rocks.)While still very young, I developed a taste for guns. At fourteen,I somehow managed to get hold of a small Browning that I carriedaround with me secretly. One morning, my mother suspected thatsomething was not quite right; she made me raise my arms andstarted to search my clothes. When she felt the gun, I took off at agallop, not daring to wait and see what would happen. When I gotto the courtyard of our building, I threw it into a garbage can, tofish out when the commotion had died down.Another time, I was sitting on a bench with a friend when twogo& (guys who had nothing better to do) sat down next to us andbegan pushing us slowly down to the end. They kept at it longenough to push my friend off the bench altogether, at which pointI leapt to my feet and shook my fist at them. One grabbed a bloodybanderilla (something you could always pick up at the bullfights)and shook it back at me. So I pulled out my Browning and there,in broad daylight, took aim. They shut up and sat down. Later,when they got up to leave, I apologized; my rages never last verylong.I remember, too, the day I stole my father's pistol, took off forthe country, and taught myself to use it. I used to ask my friendPelayo to raise his arms and balance an apple or a tin can in eachhand. (I never hit either him or the apple.)If you can put up with my penchant for digression, I rememberanother story from that period about the day my parents received agift from Germany of a complete set of china. It came in a hugecrate, which I can still see, and each dish was stamped with the

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