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Seyrig, Delphine, 181,245Shoeshme (film), 199Sica, Vittorio de, 199,225, 238Signoret, Simone, 214-15Silberman, Serge: and bars, 43; and ThatObscure Object of Desire, 47; in LosAngeles, 195; friendship with LB,240-1,247, 252; and The Milky Way,244-5, and LB's Oscar, 248; inPhantom ofLiberty, 249Simeon Stylites, St, 63,240Simon ofthe Desert (film), 192, 197,240Sindicalista, Z^/(journal), 155Siqueiros, David Alfaro, 201,210Siren of the Tropics, The (film), 90-1Sister Vaseline (pornographic film), 49Sobrinos de Capitan Grant, Los (play),25Solalinda, Antonio G ,71Soldevilla y Romero, Juan, Archbishopof Saragossa, 13,55Soler, Fernando, 199Spanish Civil War, 142, 150-70, US filmson, 177-8Spellman, Cardinal Francis, 216Spencer, Herbert, 30Stalin, Josef, 61, 166Steinbeck, John, 222Stendhal. Le Rouge et lc noir, 58Sternberg, Josef \on, 131~2,225Steiens, George, 195-6Stockholm, 163Stravinsky, Igor, 86,115Stroheim, Enchion, 87,189,225Suai, Muno?, 158-9surrealism: LB's involvement with, 90,102-9, 118-21, 136, 138; principles,107-10, 123-4; fight over, 117; failureof, 122-3; on work ethic, 124; andCommunist Party, 138-9; LBabandons, 139; and POUM, 163;values, 217-18Surrealisme an service de la ~ivoluti~n(publication), 119Susana (The Devil and the Flesh) (film),202Swain, Mack, 130Tanguy,Yves, 69, 105-6,121,181Tavera, Cardinal Juan de, 72~esita (whore), 677ieff, Laurent, 244.erg, Irving, 135Index 265That Obscure Object ofDesire (film), 47,65, 175,219,240,250Theriade (art critic), 105Thirion, Andre, 122,127, 139This Strange Passion see ElToledo, 714,151; Order of, 71-2,74Tono (Spanish comedian), 128,133Torre, Claudia de la, 143, 156-7Torres Bodet, 201Trinidad, Dotia, 9Triolet, Elsa, 111-12Tristana(film), 58,73, 123, 195,246-7 -Triumph ofthe Wll, The (film), 179Trotsky, Leon, 56,113Trumbo, Dalton: johnny Got His Gun,1934Tual, Denise, 189-90Tual, Roland, 190,217-18Turpin, Ben, 75, 130Tzara, Tristan, 105,121,127Ugarte, Eduardo, 49, 70-1, 73, 128-9,132-3,145, 157Ultraists (movement), 59-60, 75Unamuno, Miguelde, 58,62,70-1,78-9Uncle, Mr, 135Unik, Pierre: in Order of Toledo, 71;fights with cadets, 73; in surrealistgroup, 105, 108, 11 1, appearance, 108,and Une Girafe, 118; joinsCommunist Party, 138; assists LBwith film, 140; and WutherineuHeights, 205United States of America. Prohibition in,45-6, 133; LB first visits, 128; return(1938), 177; in World War 11,181Urdemalas, Pedro de, 200Urgoiti, Ricardo, 71,143,145Urueta, Chano, 209U~elay, Jose, 71Vaillant-Couturier, Paul, 139Vajda, Ladislao, 225 .Valentin, Albert, 112Valle Inclan, Ramon del, 58, 103, 144Varga, Corpus, 153Varietk (Belgian journal), 108-9Varo, Remedies, 110Vasconcelos, Jose, 209Vayo, Julio Alvarez del, 158,164Vedrines, Jules, 26Vega de Pas (near Santander), 7

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