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264 IndexPeret, Benjamin, 105, 110, 112, 1634,221Perez Martinez, Don Hector, 197Phantom of Liberty, The (film), 70, 142,171,189,249 'Philip IV, King of Spain, 13Philipe, Gerard, 242Philips, Alex, 191Picasso, Pablo, 58,70,81-2, 106Piccoli, Michel, 215,245Pilar, Virginof, 12-13Pilate, Pontius, 172Final, Silvia, 2334,246Pittaluga, Gustavo, 237Pluquet, Abbe Francois A.A.:Dictionnacre des heresies, 244Poppart, Irene, 85Positif (magazine), 34Poulenc, Francois, 118Pozner, Vladimir, 183Prado, Liha, 205Pravda (newspaper), 201Prendergast, ~illiam A , 182-3Prevert, Jacques, 116, 122, 190, 216,254Prevert, Pierre, 116Prieto, Indalecio, 144Primo de Rivera, General Mipel, 55,57,71Proust, Marcel, 218Pudovkm, Vsevolod, 201Queviva Mexico'(film), 131Queneau, Raymond, 214Qucen me quterea mi^(film), 144, 152Quintanilla, LUIS, 166Rabal, Francisco, 232,234Rabal, Paco, 236,242Rafaela (whore), 68Ramon y Cajal, Santiago, 59-60Ray, Man, 41,105-6,121,189,254Ray, Nicholas, 190Raymond-la-Science, 165Remacha, Fernando, 155Renoir, Jean, 103Residencia de Estudiantes, Madrid, 51-77,101-2R~VO~U~ZO~ Surrialiste, La (journal), 102Revue du Cinema, La (journal), 108-9Rey, Fernando, 20, 65, 142, 175, 236,246-7,250Reyes, Alfonso, 209Ridge Theatre, San Francisco, 250Riefenstahl, Leni, 179Rien que les heures (film), 103Rio y la muerte, El (Death and the River)(film), 206-7Ri'os, Don Fernando de los, 61Ripstein, Arturo, 196Rivelles Guillen, Rafael, 133Rivera, Diego, 200,209Rivera, Lupe, 200Riviere, Georges-Henri, 114Robles, Emmanuel, 213Rockefeller, Nelson, 179-80Romance sentimentale (film), 116,13 1Romationes, Count, 25Roosevelt, Franklin D., 160Resales, Lois, 158Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 30Rubia, La (dancer), 65-6Rubic, Lope?, 128Rucar, Jeanne see Buriuel, JeanneRusso-Japanese War (1905), 24Sacco and Vanzetti case, 91Sade, Marquisde, 215,217-19Sadoul, Georges, 71, 111; and St Cyrscandal, 120-1; on Thirion, 122; andCongress of Intellectuals for theRevolution, 128; joins CommunistParty, 138; and Los Olvidados, 201Sienzde Heredia, Jose <strong>Luis</strong>, 152Saint-Exupery, Antoinede, 181Salem, Lionel, 117Salinas, Pedro, 58San Sebastian, 16Sandrelli, Stefania, 246Santolaria (anarchist journalist), 56Santos, Tio (LB's uncle), 12Saragossa, 23-4,31,34-6Sartre, Jean-Paul, 5,221Satie, Erik, 86Sauguet, Henri, 118 .Saura, Carlos, 134,225Saura, Rafael, 87Schultz, Maurice, 89Seligmann, Kurt, 181Sennett, Mack, 75Serna, Ismael de la, 80Serna, Ramon Gomez de la, 58-9103,221Sert, Jose-Maria, 186

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