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Markevitch, Igor, 118Marval (production manager), 116Marx, Karl, 30,249Masson, Andre, 121, 139Mauclaire (film distributor), 108Maupassant, Guy de: PierreetJean, 202Mauprat (film), 88-9Mayer, LouisB., 130Mdivani, Prince, 186Miliss, Georges, 32-3Mendizabal, Juan Alvarez, 140,142Menendez y Pelayo, Marcelino: Hzstoriade 10s heterodoxos espai?oles, 244Mengelberg, Willem, 86Menjou, Adolphe, 87Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 127, 130-1,13s.A-Metropolis (film), 88, 196Mexican Bus Ride (Subida a1 cielo) (film),154,203,208Mexico, 43, 197-9.206-13Midnight Bride, The (film), 189Milhaud, Darius, 118Miliena (Basque writer), 80Milky Way, The (film), 95, 124, 174,181,192,244-6,249Milovanov, Sandra, 89Mirbeau, Octave: journal d'une femmede chambre, 241Mir6, Joan, 121,139Mistral, Jorge, 205Modot, Gaston, 116Molina, Angel, 250Monk, The (abandoned film), 241-2Montand, Yves, 215Morcillo (Andalusian painter), 74-5Moreau, Jeanne, 227,241MorcnoVilla, Juan, 58, 71, 74Morlot, Maurice, 89Morocco: war in, 54Mort en re iardin, La (Gina)(film), 209,213-14Mom, El(]ournal), 16Motion Picture Herald, 182Motion Pictures Producers Association,178lulligan, Robert, 195ndo Obrero (journal), 141(actress), 241I, Friedrich Wilhelm, 88of Modern Art, New York,94,229Index 263Museum of Natural History, Madrid, 53<strong>My</strong>steres du chateau de D6, Les (film),105Nalpas, Mario, 90Napoleon (film; Gance), 90Nazarin (film), 20,58,215,225,230,245Nazi-Soviet Pact, 1939, 165-6Negrete, Jorge, 198-9Negrin, Juan, 47,69, 165-6Negrin, Juanito (son of above), 166Neville, Edgar, 128, 134New York, 43,46,179-81,188, 194,229Nizan, Paul, 5, 166Noailles, Charles de, Vicomte: supportsLB, 114-16, 118; surrealist party, 119,aids Sadoul, 121; friendship with LB,126; proposes Africa trip, 137-8; andAldous Huxley, 178Noailles, Marie Laure, Vicomtesse, 114,118-19,126,178Oliviero, Yolande, 11 1Olvidados, Los (The Young and theDamned) (film), 199-202,227Onesime (film comedian), 32Ontation, Francisco, 152Orbea, Manuel, 84Ors, Eugenio d', 56,58,62,69-70,78Ortegay Gasset, Jose, 58,103Ortiz, Manolo Angeles, 71, 81,121-2Osservatore Romano, L'(journal), 237Pabst, Georg Wilhelm, 88Palacio, Ignacio, 199Paramount (picture corporation), 137,143Paris cafes, 41-2, 78-9, 82-4, 106, 247,LB lives in, 78-91, 137, 247, 1968student unrest, 124-5; LB in duringSpanish Civil War, 159-65Parra, Carmen, 97Partido Obrero de Unification Marxista(POUM), 156-7,1634Pascua, Marcelino, 71, 177Paz, Octavio, 202Peinado, Joaquin, 64,80,85-7Pelayo (childhood friend), 26, 31Pellicer, Miguel Juan, 13Peria, Julio, 133'Pepita', 148-9Pepper, George, 191-3

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