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260 IndexCommunist Party, 138-9, 152, 155-7,166,201Confederacion Nacional de Trabalo, 151Confederation Generate de Travail(France), 160Congress of Intellectuals for theRevolution, 128Coquille et le clergyman, La (film), 106Cordova, Arturo de, 204Cortizar, Julio, 245Cossio, Francisco G., 80, 87Covarrubias, Seiiora, 24Creeft, Jose de, 82-3Crevel, Renk, 71,108,111-12,118,218Criminal Life of Archzbaldo de la Cruz(Ensayo de un crzmen) (film), 209,213Cuba, 22-3Cukor, George, 195Custodio, Ana-Mark, 71,144Dada, 59Dali, Gala, 95-7, 110,115, 182-5Dali, Salvador: friendship with LB inMadrid, 64-5, 71; and Un Chienandalou, 92, 103-5, 115, 183,186;andGala, 95-6, 110, 115, 183-4; andLorca, 101-2, 158, 184; and surrealists,108, 110-11, 114, 118, 121, 123,139; alienates father, 115; and L'Aged'or, 116-17; introduces EdwardJames, 164;portrait of LB, 169,186; inNew York, 181-3, 185; marriage toGala, 182; character, 183-7; The SecretLife of Salvador Dali, 182Damita, Lily, 135Dancigers, Oscar, 190-1, 197-200, 202,204-5Darwin, Charles ,30Dato, Eduardo, 55, 138Daudet, Alphonse, 80-1Daughter of Deceit see Htja del engario,LaDavis, Frank, 134-5, 178Death and the River see Rio y la muerte,ElDebucourt, Jean, 89Del Rio, Dolores, 131Deneuve, Catherine, 73,243,246Denise (photographer), 111Derain, Andre, 122Deray, Jacques, 213Desormiere, Colette, 71Desormiere, Roger, 71, 119Destiny (film), 88, 196Deviland the Flesh, The, seeSusanaDiaryofa Chambermaid (film), 241-3Diaz, Rosita, 47Dietrich, Marlene, 132Dilian, Irasema, 205Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, The(film), 934,195,240,247-9Dishonored (film), 132Dominguez, Martin, 62Dominguin, <strong>Luis</strong>-Miguel, 213,237Doriot, Jacques, 141Dorronsoro (student friend), 48DOS Passes, John, 161,222Drums of Good Friday (ritual), 19-21,29Duchamp, Marcel, 69,181Dulac, Germane, 106Durremberger, Suzanne, 241Durruti, Buenaventura, 55, 126, 141,156Duverger, Albert, 89-90, 104,116Echeverria, <strong>Luis</strong>, 212Eisenstein, Serge, 116, 131El (This Strange Passion) (film), 16, 203-4,242El Paular, 2234Eluard, Cecile, 96Eluard, Paul: and surrealists, 95-6, 105,108-9, 11 1, 113, 122-3; appearance,108; voice-over for L%e d'or, 117;and Ernst, 121; and L'lmmaculeeconception, 139; and Sade, 218Ensayo de un crimen see Criminal Life ofArchibaldo de la CruzEntr'acte (film), 103Epstein Jean, 88-90,102Epstein, Mane, 103Ernst, MareBerthe (nee Aurenche),121Ernst, Max: in New York, 69, 181;friendship with LB, 105, 111;appearance, 108, 121; Biennale prize,114; plays in L'Age d'or, 116; ar.dsurrealism, 121, 123; and LeororaCarrington, 181; death, 254Esparia Ltbre (journal), 194Esparia Nueva (journal), 56Esteban, Don Bartolomt!, 51Etiivant, Henri, 90

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