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Buiiuel, LUIS [cont'dlsex, 48-9; sports, 534; militaryservice, 54-5, 93; love of jazz andbanjo-playing, 65, 84, 219; practiseshypnotism and magic, 67-9; poetry,75; marriage, 86, 142-3; theatredirecting, 86; early film work, 88-91;and surrealism, 90, 102-9, 118-21,123, 138; dreams and fantasies, 92-5,97-100, 1034, 119; sciatica, 102, 188;surrealist films, 102-5, 114, 115-16; inHollywood, 127-35; leaves surrealistgroup, 139; film1434; onlove and love-making, 146-7; overseasmissions in Civil War, 158-67, 177;Dali portrait of, 169, 186, on chanceand necessity, 1714; on God andscience, 173-4; 1938 return to USA,177-88; post in Museum of ModernArt, 180-2, 194,229; earnings, 191-2;blacklisted in USA, 194; readmg andpersonal tastes, 218-31 ; deafness, 219,253; favourite films, 224-5; disguises,227; return to Spain, 232-3; winsOscar, 248; in The Phantom ofLiberty, 249; on old age and death,253-6; The Book of the Dead, 254; seealso individual film titlesBufiuel, Margarita (LB's sister), 23Buriuel, Maria (LB's sister), 23.95Buriuel, Doha Maria Portolis (LB'smother): lost memory, 3; in LB'schildhood, 17; marriage, 23; and LB'scareer, 33, 36; at Lorca play, 102,financial help for LB, 143, 199Bufiuel, Rafael (LB's son), 188, 195Bufiuel (LB's paternal grandfather), 22Butler, Hugo, 191-3Caballero, Ernest Giminez, 756,144Cahiers d'Art, les (journal), 80, 87Cahiers du Cinema (journal), 222Caillois, Roger: Ponce Pilate, 172Calanda, 8-13, 15-21, 234, 29-30, 34,38,168-9Calder, Alexander, 181,254Camelots du Roi (group), 84,118Yamus, Marcel, 213Cinnes Film Festival, 2014, 215,237Capri, Agnes, 11 1Cargo of Innocence (film), 178IndexCarmen-Espagne oblige (film), 90Carranza, Bartolomi, Archbishop ofToledo, 244Carretero, Jose-Maria ('El CaballeroAudaz'), 59-60Carrikre, Jean-Claude: in Madrid, 42; inMexico, 43; ignorance of Spain, 74;works on Belle de lour, 186; in LosAngeles, 195; works with LB, 223,241, 244, 248; helps write LB's book,254Carrillo, Santiago, 153Carrington, Leonora, 181Casanellas, Ramon, 138Casas Vielas (Andalusia), 145Castanyer (Catalonian artist), 80Casteno, Augusto, 71Castro, Americo, 53, 66Caupenne, Jean, 120-1Cavalcanti, Alberto, 103Cayatte, Andre, 202Cela s'appelle l'aurore (film), 107, 194,213Centeno, Augusto, 52Centeno, Juan, 52-3,55Centmelaalerta (film), 145Centre de Capacitacion Cinematogrifica,Mexico, 222Cernuda, LUIS, 58 .Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 72Chaplin, Charlie, 49, 75, 129, 131, 133-4,178,180Chaplin, Geraldine, 134Char, Reni, 49, 105, 113Charpentier, Gustave: Louise, 113Chiappe, Jean, 118Chien andalou, Un (film): sex and deathin, 15; Duverger works on, 90, 104;Dali and, 92, 103-5, 186; Batcheff in,90, 104-5, 190; and dreams, 92, 103;making of, 103-5, 114; opening andsuccess of, 106, 108; scenariopublished, 108-10; eye scene, 122;Chaplin screens, 134; Lorca offendedby, 157; Wagner music for, 219, Jungon, 229; surrealism in, 248City Lights (film), 134Clair, Reni, 103,112, 178, 180, 189Claudel, Paul, 214Clementi, Pierre, 245Cocteau, Jean, 59,106,118,204-5Colegio del Salvador, 27-30

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