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258 IndexArniches, Carlos, 70,143,202Arout, Gabriel, 214Arp, Jean, 105,121Artaud, Antonin, 241Artigas, Joseph Llorenz, 81-2,116Ascaso, Francisco, 55,126Ascenseurpourl'echafaud (film), 241Association of Writers and Artists for theRevolution, 138,153Asturian revolt, 145Aub, Max, 255Audran, Stephane, 248Aurenche, Jean, 121Auric, Georges, 106,115,118Auric, Nora, 115Azaiia, Manuel, 144-5,150Baker, Josephine, 90Bal des Quat'zarts, Pans, 82-3Bande a Bonnot, 126,164Barcelona, 156Barcia, Rubia, 189Baroja, Pio, 58Barr, Alfred, 183Barros, Jose-<strong>Luis</strong>, 20,237,249Barry, Ins, 179-80,182Bataille, Georges, 122Batcheff, Pierre, 90, 104, 190Battleship Potemkin (film), 87-8, 131,.224Batuecas, Las, 140, 142Bazin, Jeanine, 74Beast with Five Fingers, The (film), 189Beauvoir, Simone de, 253Bel, Gil, 155Belle delour(film), 242Bello, Manolo, 61Bello, Pepin, 61,65,69,71,98,103Benites, Fernando, 197Berard, Christian, 106, 118Bergamin, Jose, 58, 70, 82, 153, 158,237-8,249Berraguete, Alonso, 72Bertheau, Julien, 245Bertini, Francesca, 32Blancat, Sam, 56Blum, Leon, 160Bogart, Humphrey, 188Bolivar, Ignacio, 37, 53Bores (Ultraist painter), 80Borges, Jorge-<strong>Luis</strong>, 221BOG, Lucia, 213-14Bouquet, Carole, 65,250Braunberger, Pierre, 141Breton, Andre, 69; and surrealists, 105-6, 108, 110, 112-14, 122-3, 207, 244;on passing of scandal, 121, 125; andErnst, 121; prepares LB's astrologychart, 135; and Communist Party,138; and L'Immacul6e conception,139; on Peret in Civil War, 1634, inNew York, 181; and Dali, 185; andSade, 218Brook, Claudio, 192,245Brunius, Jacques, 108Bruto, El (film), 213Butiuel, Alfonso (LB's brother), 23,236Buiiuel, Alicia (LB's sister), 23Butiuel, Conchita (LB's sister), 18;article on childhood, 34-40, 235; atLorca play, 102; arrested in Civil War,159; and LB's return to Spain, 232,236; on Vmdiana, 235-6Buiiuel, Jeanne (nee Rucar; LB's wife):n Order of Toledo, 71, LB meets andmarries, 85, 142-4; in Un Chienandalou, 105; meets surrealists, 112-13; and LB's return from USA, 136;and Dali, 183; and de Sica, 238Buiiuel, Juan-<strong>Luis</strong> (LB's son), 20, 125,144,227,235,243Buiiuel, Leonardo (LB's father): andLB's childhood, 11, 17-18; militaryservice, 22; in Cuba, 22-3; marriage,23; character and appearance, 23;wealth and habits, 25; never sees films,33; and LB's career, 36, 52; death, 36,76-7; and LB's eccentricities, 37; inMadrid, 51; LB dreams of, 93-4<strong>Bunuel</strong>, Leonardo (LB's brother), 23Butiuel, LUIS: on loss of memory in oldage, 4-5; birth, 8, 23; early years inCalanda, 8-18, 38-9; early sexualexperiments, 15-16; family, 23; life inSaragossa, 24-6,34,36; schooling, 27-30, 34-6; loses faith, 30; earlyexperience of cinema, 31-3, 75, 87;Conchita's article -on, 3440, 235;learns violin, 35, 219; boxing, 36, 54;studies in Madrid, 36, 51-3;eccentricities, 37; pets, 37-8, 226; oncafes and bars, 414; on drinks anddrinking, 44-8; on smoking, 47-8; on

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