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IndexCompiled by Douglas MatthewsA Nous la Liberr6 (film), 112Abd-el-Krim, 54Acin, Ramon, 13941,155-6Adventures of Robert Macaire, The(film), 88Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, The(film), 190-1,197-8Afnquefant6me, L'(film), 138Aged'or, L'(fi1m):drums in, 20; LyaLysin, 49; Spanish artists criticize, 80;Duverger works on, 90; Dali and, 95-6; making of, 115-17; reception, 118;private showing, 127; French rightwing attack, 163,241, Sade influences,219; frustration in, 240; surrealism in,248Alarcon, Enrique, 246Alatriste, Gustavo, 193, 232-3, 236-8,240Alberti, Rafael, 58, 60-1, 71, 82, 144,153Alberto, Don, 62Alcali de Henares, 53Alcoriza, LUIS, 87, 99-100, 199, 243,254Alejandro, Julio, 20,234,243,246Alexander, Dr. 229-30Alexandre, Maxirne, 105,138Alexandrov, Grigori, 131Alfonso XIII, King of Spain, 57Allegret, Yves, 140Allen, Woody, 194Allenegui, Mosen Vicente, 19Alonso, Damaso, 60Alonso, Ernesto, 205,246Altolaguirre, Manuel, 58, 153,203Amaya, Carmen, 144Amsterdam, 86-7anarchists see Federacion AnarquistaIbiricaAngelillo (flamenco singer), 144Angulo (medical student), 79Annie Hall(film), 194Anual, Battleof, 54Apollinaire, Guillaume, 58, 81Aquinas, St Thomas, 14,44Aragon, 7,9-10, 18Aragon, Louis: and Un Chien andalou,42, 1054; and Paris orgy, 50; desire toshock, 62; LB meets, 105; appearance,108; and surrealism, 111-12, 123, 139;and LB's post in Pans, 160; knifed,117; and Congress of Intellectuals forthe Revolution, 128, joins CommunistParty, 138; opposes Nay-Soviet Pact,166; Persecute Persecuteur, 112Araquistan, <strong>Luis</strong>, 59-60, 15940, 162Armendariz, Pedro, 213

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