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swdn songCCORDING to the latest reports, we now have enoughA nuclear bombs not only to destroy all life on the planetbut also to blow the planet itself, empty and cold, out of itsorbit altogether and into the immensity of the cosmic void. Ifind that possibility magnificent, and in fact I'm tempted toshout bravo, because from now on there can be no doubt thatscience is our enemy. She flatters our desires for omnipotencedesiresthat lead inevitably to our destruction. A recent pollannounced that out of 700,000 "highly qualified" scientists nowworking throughout the world, 520,000 of them are busy tryingto streamline the means of our self-destruction, while only I~O,OOOare studying ways of keeping us alive.The trumpets of the apocalypse have been sounding at our gatesfor years now, but we still stop up our ears. We do, however, havefour new horsemen: overpopulation (the leader, the one waving theblack flag), science, technology, and the media. All the other evilsin the world are merely consequences of these. I'm not afraid to putthe press in the front rank, either. The last screenplay I worked on,for a film 1'11 never make, deals with a triple threat: science, terrorism,

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