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Frm Spain to Mexico to France (1960-1977) 249The Phantom 4Liberty (a phrase that had already appeared in TheMzlky Way, when one character tells another, "Your liberty IS onlya phantom") was invented in homage to Karl Man, to that "A spectreis haunting Europthe spectre of Communism" at the beginn~ngof the Manijiito. The first scene was inspired by the return of theBourbons, when the Spanish people had really shouted, "Long liveour chains!" out of pure hatred for the liberal ideas Napoleon hadintroduced. Soon after, however, the idea of political and social fr&-dom took on an additional dimension-that of the artist and thecreator, a freedom every bit as illusory as the first. It was an ambitiousfilm, difficult both to write and to direct, and finally rather fmstrating.Although certain episodes are more vivid in my memorythan others, I still have to admit that it's remained one of my favoritefilms. The technique is intriguing, as is the love scene between theaunt and her nephew in the hotel room. I'm also very fond of thesearch for the little girl, the visit to the cemetery (shades of thecemetery of San Martin), and the ending in the zoological gardenswith the unwavering gaze of the ostrich, which seems to be wearingfalse eyelashes.When I think back today, The MiLky Way, The Discreet Cham ofthe Bourgeoisie, and The Phantom of Liberty form a kind of trilogy, orrather a triptych. All three have the same themes, sometimes eventhe same grammar; and all evoke the search for truth, as well as thenecessity of abandoning it as soon as you've found it. All show theimplacable nature of social rituals; and all argue for the importanceof coincidence, of a personal morality, and of the essential mysteryin all things, which must be maintained and respected.(As a footnote, let me just mention the fact that the four Spaniardswho execute the French prisoners at the start of the film are playedby Josk-<strong>Luis</strong> Barros (the tallest), Serge Silberman (with the bandaround his forehead), Jose Bergamin (the priest), and me (hiddenbehind a beard and a monk's cowl.)When I made The Phantm of Liberty, I was seventy-four ymsold and ser?ously entertaining the idea of a definitive retirement. <strong>My</strong>friends, however, had other ideas, so I finally decided to tackle an

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