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Pro and Con 229other hand, my discovery of Freud, and particularly his theory of theunconscious, was crucial to me. Yet just as psychology seems asomewhat arbitrary discipline, forever contradicted by human behavior,so is psychoanalysis severely limited, a form of therapy reservedfor the upper classes. During the Second World War, whenI was working at the Museum of Modern Art, I thought aboutmaking a movie on schizophrenia which would explore its origins,the patterns of its development, and the various treatments then usedto cope with it.'"There's a first-rate psychoanalytic institute in Chicago," someonetold me when I mentioned the idea. "Run by someone namedAlexander, one of Freud's disciples. Why not go out there and talkto him about it?"Which is exactly what I did. Once there, I found my way to theinstitute, which filled several luxurious floors of a large building."Our subsidy runs out this year," the famous Dr. Alexanderinformed me, "and believe me, we're ready to do just about anythingto get it renewed. Your project sounds very interesting. Allow meto place our library and our doctors at your disposal for whateverhelp you might need."I remembered that when Jung had seen Vn Chien andalou, he'dcalled it a fine example of dementia praecox, and when I suggestedthat Alexander might like a copy of the film, he professed to bedelighted.On my way to their library, however, I accidentally walked intothe wrong room and had just enough time to see an elegant ladylying on a couch, obviously in the middle of a session, before theirate doctor rushed to slam the door (which, I assure you, I was tryingto close as fast as I could). Later, I was told that only millionairesand their wives came to the institute. It was common knowledge,for example, that if one of these women was caught slipping a fewextra bills into her purse in a bank, the teller would say nothing,the husband would be discreetly informed, and the wife sent to ananalyst.

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