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look at the same views, eat the same dishes. When someone offersme a trip to a distant country, I always refuse; the idea of trying toimagine what to do in New Delhi at three in the morning is beyondme.Where food is concerned, I have eclectic tastes, to say the least.I like cream pies, and have often dreamed of using one in a movie,although somehow or other I always back down at the last minute.I like marinated herring the way they make it in France, and safdmesen escabeebe, Aragonian style, marinated in olive oil with garlic andthyme. I also like smoked salmon and caviar, but in general mytastes are simple and unrefined. A gourmet I'm not. Two fried eggswith cbwizo give me more pleasure than all the langoustes a la reine deHongrie or timbales de caneton Cbambmd.When we get to the media, my irritability knows no limits. Ihate the way information proliferates. Reading a newspaper is moreharrowing than any other experience I know. If I were a dictator, I'dlimit the press to a single daily paper and a single magazine, and allnews would be strictly censored, although opinion would remaincompletely free. The "show business" format is a scandal; those enormousheadlines~and in Mexico they can attain prodigious proportions-withtheir yellow-press sensationalism make me want to throwup. All that energy just to sell more papers! And for what? There'salways another piece of news that comes along to bury the first. Iremember reading a copy of Nice-Matin one day at the Cannes Festivaland finding, for once, an interesting item about an attempt to blowup one of the domes on the Sacre-Coeur in Paris. Eager to find outwho was responsible for this original and irreverent gesture, I boughtthe same paper the next day, but all mention of Sacre-Coeur hadbeen dropped to make room for a skyjacking.Similarly, seers, prophets, and psychics bore and frighten me.(I'm a fanatical antifanatic.) For that matter, I don't like psychologyin general. Or analysis. Or psychoanalysis. I have some close analystfriends who've written about my films, which is their prerogative,of course; but most of what they say makes no sense to me. On the

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