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to Sunday tourists. The father superior was alarmingly well informedabout the diabolical reputation of my films, but he merely smiledwhen they were mentioned. He never went to the movies, he said,almost apologetically.I have a horror of newspaper reporters, two of whom literallyattacked me one day while I was walking down the road not far fromEl Paular. Despite my pleas to be left alone, they leaped around me,clicking as they went. I was already far too old to take both of themon at once, and only wished that I'd been foresighted enough tobring my revolver.Whereas my feelings about reporters couldn't be clearer, I confessto mixed emotions when it comes to spiders. As I said earlier, thisis an obsession I've shared with my brothers and sisters, who can talkabout them for hours, in the most meticulous and horrifying detail.We are all, it seems, equally fascinated and revolted. On the otherhand, I despise crowds, which is to say any gathering that exceedssix people. As for huge crowds, like the famous photograph byWeegee of the beach at Coney Island on a Sunday afternoon, themystery of it horrifies me.I do, however, like punctuality-another obsession-and all sortsof little tools like pliers, scissors, magnifying glasses, and screwdrivers.I take a selection of them with me everywhere, rather likemy toothbrush. At home, they lie carefully arranged in a drawer,ever ready for immediate use. In addition, 1 like working-class peoplewhose basic knowhow I admire and envy.I also like Kubrick's Paths of Glory, Fellini's Roma, Eisenstein'sBattleship Potemkin, Marco Ferreri's La Grand Bouffe (a tragedy of theflesh and a monument to hedonism), Jacques Becker's Goupi Mainsrouges,and Rene Clement's Forbidden Games. And I adore Fritz Lang'searly films, Buster Keaton, the Marx Brothers, and Has's film ofPotocki's novel Saragossa Manuscript. (I saw this film a record-breakingthree times and convinced Alatriste to buy it for Mexico inexchange for Simon of the Desert.) I also admire Renoir's prewar films,Bergman's Persona, and Fellini's La strada, Nights of Cabiria, and La

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