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Pro and ConHEN the surrealist movement was in full flower, wemade very clear distinctions between good and evil,justice and discrimination, the beautiful and the ugly. We alsohad certain unwritten laws-books that had to be read, othersthat shouldn't be read; things that needed to be done, others toavoid at all cost. Inspired by these old games, I've decided tolet my pen wander as it will in this chapter, while I engage inthe healthy exercise of listing some of my passions and my bikesnoires.I loved, for example, Fabre's Souvenirs entomologiques, which Ifound infinitely superior to the Bible when it comes to a passion forobservation and a boundless love of living things. I used to say thatthis was the only book I'd take with me if I were exiled to a desertisland, although today I've changed my mind and wouldn't take anybook at all.I also loved de Sade. I was about twenty-five when I read The120 Days ofS& for the first time, and I must admit I found it farmore shocking than Darwin. One day, when I was visiting RolandTual, I saw a priceless copy in his library that had originally belonged

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