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Mexico (1946-1961) 211closed. In theory, all guns must now be registered, although it'sestimated that in Mexico City alone there are more than five hundredthousand guns which have somehow escaped licensing. Curiously,however, the truly horrific crime~like Landru's and Petiot's, massmurders, and butchers selling human flesh-seems far more theprerogative of highly industrialized countries than of Mexico. I knowof only one example, which made the headlines a few years ago.Apparently, the prostitutes in a brothel somewhere in the northern.part of the country began disappearing with alarming frequency.When the police finally decided to investigate, they discovered thatthe madam simply had them killed and buried in the garden whenthey ceased to be sufficiently profitable. In general, however, homicidein Mexico involves only a pistol shot; it doesn't include all themacabre details that often accompany murder in Western Europe orthe United States.Mexico is a country with enormous energy, where the peoplehave an intense desire to learn and to improve the quality of theirlives. They are also a very kind people, whose generosity and hospitalityhave made the country, from the Spanish Civil War to Pinochet'scoup in Chile, one of the most popular choices for refugees.The differences that once existed between native Mexicans and gachuptnes(Spanish immigrants) have now largely disappeared. In addition,Mexico is perhaps the most stable of all the Latin Americancountries. For almost sixty years, it's lived in peace; military uprisingsand caudtllismo are now only bloody memories. Thanks to oil,the economy~and public education in particular-are well-developed,and relations among the different states, even when they'rerun by opposing political factions, are cordial. Even so, the countryis often criticized for certain customs which scandalize the Europeanmind but which aren't in any way forbidden by the constitution.Take nepotism, for example. It's absolutely normal, in fact traditional,for a president to appoint members of his family to importantgovernment posts. No one protests seriously-that's simply the wayit's always been.

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