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Mexico (1946-1961)IHAD so little interest in Latin America that I used to tellmy friends that should I suddenly drop out of sight oneday, I might be anywhere~excepthere. Yet I lived in Mexicofor thirty-six years and even became a citizen in 1949. At theend of the Civil War, many Spaniards, including some of myclosest friends, sought refuge in Mexico. The expatriates camefrom all classes-laborers, writers, even scientists-but all seemed Ito adapt to their new country with relative ease.Ironically, when Oscar Dancigers suggested I make a film there,I was just about to get my citizenship papers in the United States.At the same time, I met the great Mexican ethnologist, FernandoBenites, who asked me if I'd rather become a Mexican citizen. WhenI said yes, he sent me to Don Hector Perez Martinez, a minister wellon his way to becoming president, had death not decided otherwise.When he assured me I could easily get a visa, I went back to L.A.,picked up my family, and agreed to do Oscar's film.Between 1946 and 1964, from Gran casino (En el viep Tampico)to Simon of the Desert, I made twenty films in Mexico, and with theexception of The Adventures of Robinwn Crusoe and The Young One, all

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