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Hollywood SequelNINETEEN FORTY-FOUR found me in New York, joblessand tormented by sciatica. (The president of theChiropractors Association used such brutal methods that he cameclose to making a permanent invalid out of me.) One day, 1hobbled into Warner Brothers on crutches and was miraculouslyoffered the chance to go back to Los Angeles and work on dubbing.This time I agreed, but as I traveled across the countrywith my wife and two sons (the second, Rafael, was born in NewYork in 1940), my sciatica was so painful that I lay on my backon a board for most of the way. Luckily, once in Los Angeles, Ifound another chiropractor, a woman, and after a couple of monthsof gentler treatment, my pain disappeared completely.This time, I stayed in California for two years. During the first,we lived normally on my salary, but the second year, my work cameto an end and we had only our savings. The era of "different versions"was over; with the end of the war, it was clear that every countrywanted American films and American actors. In Spain, for example,the public preferred Humphrey Bogart speaking Spanish,. even ifpoorly dubbed, to a Spanish actor playing the same part. As a dub-

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