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Madrid when Lorca asked Dali to go across the street and buy ustickets for a zarzuela at the Apollo. Dali was gone for a good halfhour, only to return without the tickets. "I can't figure it out," hesaid. "I just don't know how to do it."When he lived in Paris, his aunt used to take him by the handwhen they crossed the street; and when he paid for something, hewould walk away without his change. Under Gala's iron hand, however,he made money the god that was to dominate the second halfof his life; and yet, even today, I'm sure he still has no sense ofeveryday practicalities.One day I went to see him at his hotel in Montmartre, where Ifound him stripped to the waist, an enormous bandage on his back.Apparently, he thought he'd felt a "flea" or some other strange beastand had attacked his back with a razor blade. Bleeding profusely, hegot the hotel manager to call a doctor, only to discover that the "flea"was in reality a pimple.Dali has told many lies, and yet, paradoxically, he's incapable oflying. Much of what he says is only to scandalize, like the time hewent to the Museum of Natural History and claimed to have beenso stimulated by the dinosaur skeletons that he'd had to take Galaout into the corridor and sodomize her. This was obviously a joke,but Dali's so bemused by himself that everything he says seems tohim the absolute truth.Dali's also a great fantasizer, with a certain penchant for sadism;but in fact his sex life was practically nonexistent. As a young man,he was totally asexual, and forever making fun of friends who fell inlove or ran after women~until the day he lost his virginity to Galaand wrote me a six-page letter detailing, in his own inimitablefashion, the marvels of carnal love. (Gala's the only woman he's everreally made love to. Of course, he's seduced many, particularly Americanheiresses; but those seductions usually entailed stripping themnaked in his apartment, frying a couple of eggs, putting them onthe women's shoulders, and, without a word, showing them to thedoor.)

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