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Back to AmericaTHE year 1938 found me in Bayonne in the Basses-Pyrenees,where, as a propagandist, I was in charge of launchingsmall air balloons filled with tracts over the mountains. SomeCommunist friends who were later executed by the Nazis tookcare of the actual send-offs when the winds were blowing in theright direction. The whole system seemed fairly absurd to me asI stood there watching the balloons sailing off every which way,dropping tracts everywherein the woods, the fields, the waterandI wondered what difference a little piece of paper droppedfrom nowhere could possibly make to anyone. Finally, I wentback to Paris to ask the Spanish ambassador, Marcelino Pascua,if he didn't perhaps have anything better for me to do.At this time, films about the Spanish Civil War were being madein the United States. Hollywood often made serious errors in thesefilms, particularly where local details were concerned, so Pascua suggestedI return to California and get myself a job as a technical adviser.I'd saved some money from my salary during the past three years,and assisted by contributions from friends, I bought passage for myfamily.

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