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though little by little I've retired from the world. (<strong>Last</strong> year, I calculatedthat in six days, or one hundred and forty-four hours, I spentonly three hours talking with friends. The rest of the time I wasalone with my fantasies, a glass of water or a cup of coffee, an aperitiftwice a day, a sudden memory or image that took me by surprise.These days, one thing leads to another until suddenly I find thatnight has fallen. )I do apologize if these few pages seem vague and tedious, butthoughts like these are part of my life, along with all the otherfrivolous details. I'm not a philosopher, and I don't do very well withabstractions. If those who fancy themselves possessed of a philosophicalbent smile as they read, I'm glad to have given them an amusingmoment. It seems like finding myself back in school with the Jesuitsand hearing a professor say, "Refute Buiiuel for me." (As with Kant,I'm sure it wouldn't take more than a couple of minutes.)

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