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Still an Atheist . . . Thank God!I73which we belong by the good or bad luck of our birth-appear as somany attempts to master fate. The only trouble is that fate is full ofsurprises, because it never stops trying to adapt itself to social necessity.The only way out is not to see these laws, conceived so that wecan live together in some reasonable fashion, as primordial necessities.It isn't "necessary" that the world exist, that we be here, livingand dying. We're the children of accident; the universe could havegone on without us until the end of time. I know, it's an impossibleimage~an empty and infinite universe, an abyss which for someinexplicable reason has been deprived of life. Perhaps there are infact other worlds just like this; after all, deep down inside, we allhave a penchant for chaos.Some people dream of an infinite universe; others see it as finitein space and time. I suppose I'm somewhere in between. I can'tconceive of an infinite universe, and yet the idea of a finite one, whichby definition will cease to exist one fine day, plunges me into afascinating and horrifying void. And so I swing back and forth fromone image to the other, and have no answers.If we could imagine that there is no such thing as chance, thatthe history of the world is logical and even predictable, then we'dhave to believe in God. We'd have to assume the existence of a greatwatchmaker, a supreme organizer. Yet, by the same token, if Godcan do anything, might he not have created a world governed bychance? No, the philosophers tell us. Chance cannot be one of God'screations, because it's the negation of God. The two are mutuallyexclusive, and since I myself have no faith (which is also often amatter of chance), there seems to be no way to break out of thisvicious circle~which is why I've never entered it in the first place.In the end, belief and the lack of it amount to the same thing.If someone were to prove to meright this minutethat God, inall his luminousness, exists, it wouldn't change a single aspect of mybehavior. I find it rather hard to believe that God is watching meevery second, that he worries about my health, my desires, my

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