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enemies. As they burned churches and convents and massacred priests,any doubts anyone may have had about hereditary enemies vanishedcompletely.I've always been impressed by the famous photograph of thoseecclesiastical dignitaries standing in front of the Cathedral of Santiagode Compostela in full sacerdotal garb, their arms raised in the Fascistsalute toward some officers standing nearby. God and Country arean unbeatable team; they break all records for oppression and bloodshed.I've never been one of Franco's fanatical adversaries. As far as I'mconcerned, he wasn't the Devil personified. I'm even ready to believethat he kept our exhausted country from being invaded by the Nazis.Yes, even in Franco's case there's room for some ambiguity. And inthe cocoon of my timid nihilism, I tell myself that all the wealthand culture on the Falangist side ought to have limited the horror.Yet the worst excesses came from them; which is why, alone withmy dry martini, I have my doubts about the benefits of money andculture.

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