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On Breton's request, I asked some questions and learned that Pkrethad gone to the Aragdn front in Huesca; apparently, he'd also criticizedthe behavior of certain POUM members so openly and vociferouslythat many had announced their firm intention of shootinghim. I guaranteed Breton that Peret hadn't been executed by theRepublicans, however, and he returned to France soon afterward,safe and sound.From time to time, I met Dali for lunch at the Rotisserie Perigourdineon the place St.-Michel. One day, he made me a bizarreoffer."I can introduce you to an enormously rich Englishman," hesaid. "He's on your side, and he wants to give you a bomber!"The Englishman, Edward James, had just bought all of Dali's1938 output, and did indeed want to give the Republicans an ultramodernbomber which was then hidden in a Czechoslovakianairport. Knowing that the Republic was dramatically short of airstrength, he was making us this handsome present-in exchange fora few masterpieces from the Prado. He wanted to set up an exhibitionin Paris, as well as in other cities in France; the paintings would beplaced under the warranty of the International Tribunal at The Hague,and after the war there would be two options: If the Republicanswon, the paintings would be returned to the Prado, but if Francowas victorious, they'd remain the property of the Republican governmentin exile.I conveyed this unusual proposition to Alvarez del Vayo, whoadmitted that a bomber would be very welcome, but that wild horsescouldn't make him take paintings out of the Prado. "What wouldthey say about us?" he demanded. "What would the press make ofthis? That we traded our patrimony for arms? No, no, it's impossible.Let's have no further talk about it."(Edward James is still alive and is the owner of several chiiteaus,not to mention a large ranch in Mexico.)<strong>My</strong> secretary was the daughter of the treasurer of the FrenchCommunist party. He'd belonged to the infamous Bande a Bonnot,

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