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The Civil War (1936-1939)applying for a visa to Spain. Once again, he was correct. The actorhad a diplomatic passport and got his visa with no trouble whatsoever.On his way to Madrid, however, he was arrested at the borderby the Republican police, who'd been warned ahead of time; but hewas released almost immediately on the protest of his government.He went on to Madrid, carried out his mission, and then calmlyreturned to Paris. Was he invulnerable? What kind of protectiondid he have? I was desperate to know.Around that time, I left on a mission to Stockholm, where I readin a newspaper that a bomb had leveled a small apartment buildingnear the Etoile that had been the headquarters of a labor union. Iremember the article saying quite precisely that the bomb was sopowerful the building had simply crumbled to dust, and that twoagents had died in the blast. It was obvious which terrorist had donethe job.Again, nothing happened. The man continued to pursue hisactivities, protected by the careful indifference of the French police,who seemed to support whomever had the upper hand. At the endof the war, the actor, a member of the Fifth Column, was decoratedfor his services by Franco.While my terrorist was cheerfully going about his dirty work inParis, I was being violently attacked by the French right wing,who-believe it or not-had not forgotten L'Age dor. They wroteabout my taste for profanity and my "anal complex," and the newspaperGringoire (or was it Candide?) reminded its readers that I'dcome to Paris several years before in an effort to "corrupt Frenchyouth."One day, Breton came to see me at the embassy."Mon cher amt, " he began, "there seem to be some disagreeablerumors about the Republicans' executing Pkret because he belongedto POUM. "POUM had inspired some adherence among the surrealists. Infact, Benjamin Pkret had left for Barcelona, where he could be seenevery day on the Plaza Cataluiia surrounded by people from POUM.

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