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The Civil War (1936-1939)The International Brigades, organized and trained by the Communists,were the only ones who gave us real aid, but there wereothers who simply appeared on their own, ready to fight. Homageshould also be paid to Malraux, albeit some of the pilots he sent werelittle more than mercenaries. In my Paris office, I issued safe-conductpasses to Hemingway, DOS Passes, and Joris hens, so they couldmake a documentary on the Republican army.There was a good deal of frustrating intrigue going on while wewere making a propaganda film in Spain with the help of two Russiancameramen. This particular film was to have worldwide distribution,but after I returned to Paris, I heard nothing for several months onthe progress of the shoot. Finally, I made an appointment with thehead of the Soviet trade delegation, who kept me waiting for an houruntil I began shouting at his secretary. The man finally received meicily."And what are you doing in Paris?" he asked testily.I retorted that he had absolutely no right to evaluate my activities,that I only followed orders, and that 1 only wanted to knowwhat had happened to the film. He refused to answer my questionand showed me rather unceremoniously to the door. As soon as I gotback to my office, I wrote four letters~one to L'Humnztil one toPruvuh, one to the Russian ambassador, and the last to the SpanishministerÑdenouncin what seemed to be sabotage inside the Soviettrade delegation itself (a charge that was eventually confirmed byfriends in the French Communist Party, who told me that it was"the same all over"). It seemed that the Soviet Union had enemies,even within its own official circles, and indeed, some time later, thehead of the delegation became one of the victims of the Stalinistpurges.Another strange story, which sheds a curious light on the Frenchpolice (not to mention police all over the world), concerns threemysterious bombs. One day, a young and very elegant Colombianwalked into my office. He'd asked to see the military attache, butsince we no longer had one, I suppose someone thought I was the

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