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Spain and France (I 93 1-1936) 1451934 of the popular insurrection known as the Asturian Revolt,which was led by the right wing with the help of the Spanish armywith its guns and planes, Azaiia finally had to order his troops to fireon the people, despite the fact chat he was a leftist. In a town calledCasas Viejas in Andalusia, the workers threw up barricades and wereattacked by the police, who used grenades. Many insurgents werekilled in the battle, and thereafter right-wing polemicists begancalling Azaiia "the assassin of Casas Viejas."In this climate of continual and violent strikes, of attacks by bothsides, of church burnings (it seems that the people instinctively beginwith their age-old enemy), I contacted Jean Grkmillon and proposedthat he come to Madrid and work with me on a comedy about themilitary called Centinefa a ka, I'd met Grkmillon in Paris and knewhow much he loved Spain; in fact, he'd already made one movie here.He accepted my offer, on the condition that there be no writtencontract between us, which was fine with me, since I never signedcontracts, either. I directed a few scenes in his place, as did my friendUgarte, on the days when Grtmillon didn't feel like getting out ofbed. During the shoot, the situation in Spain grew steadily moredesperate. In the final months before the war, the air was unbreathable;just as we were preparing to shoot a scene in a church, it burnedto the ground; and as we edited, guns were exploding all around us.The film was released in the middle of the war and was very successful;but, true to form, I didn't make any money on it.Urgoiti was delighted with our collaboration and proposed otherprojects; all in all, we were to make eighteen films together and I wasalready thinking about some adaptations of Galdos' work. Fruitlessplans, like so many others. The events devastating Europe would keepme far from the cinema for many years.

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