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Spain and France (193 1-1 93 6) 143nando and Loulou Vines, and a stranger we picked up in the street,were our witnesses. After a lunch at the Cochon de Lat near theOdeon, I said goodbye to Jeanne, dropped in briefly on Aragon andSadoul, and took the train for Madrid.While I was dubbing Paramount films in Paris with my friendClaudio de la Torre (under the direction of Marlene Dietrich's husband),I'd made a fair bit of progress with my English; and when Ileft Paramount, I went to work for Warner Brothers, supervisingtheir dubbing operation in Madrid. I kept at it for about ten months;it was easy work at a good salary, and somehow I never really thoughtabout making another movie. Commercial films were out of thequestion, yet nothing was stopping me from producing someoneelse's. And so I became a producer, a demanding and sometimesrather shady one. When I met Ricardo Urgoiti, a producer of highlycommercial films, I proposed a partnership. He laughed, but whenI told him I could come up with one hundred and fifty thousandpesetas~half a budget, which my mother was willing to lend m ehe stopped laughing and we shook hands. I had only one condition:that my name not appear in the credits.Our first project was an adaptation of a play by Arniches calledDon Quintin el Amargao, which turned out to be a huge commercialsuccess. (I bought two thousand square meters of land in Madridwith the profits.) The play is about an arrogant and bitter man, anamargao, who's hated and feared by everyone. He abandons his babydaughter in a sailor's cabin by the side of a road, and twenty yearslater he suddenly sets out to find her. There's a nice dramatic scenethat takes place in a cafe where Don Quintin is sitting at a table witha couple of friends, and his daughter (whom he doesn't recognize, ofcourse) is sitting at another table with her husband. Don Quintineats an olive and tosses away the pit, which happens to strike thedaughter in the eye. Without a word, the couple gets up and leaves.As Don Quintin's friends are congratulating him on his bravado, thehusband reappears, marches up to his table, and forces him to swallowthe pit.Later, Don Quintin combs the town for the young man, seeking

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