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AmericaI33He was getting very excited, so to calm him down I invited himin for a drink. Once he was settled, I went upstairs to wake Ugarte."You have to come down," I told him. "I need you."Grumbling, Ugarte staggered downstairs half-asleep, where Iintroduced him to the producer."Listen," I said to him. "You have to wake up. It's about amovie. ""All right," he replied, his eyes still not quite open."Ambience~Viennese. ""All right. ""Epoch-World War I.""All right.""When the film opens, we see a whore. It's very clear she's awhore. She's rolling an officer in the street, she . . ."Ugarte stood up, yawned, waved his hand in the air, and startedback upstairs to bed."Don't bother with any more," he mumbled. "They shoot herat the end."At Christmastime, Tono and his wife gave a dinner party for adozen Spanish actors and screenwriters, as well as Chaplin and GeorgiaHale. We all brought a present that was supposed to have costsomewhere between twenty and thirty dollars, hung them on the tree,and began drinking. (Despite Prohibition, there was, of course, noshortage of alcohol.) Rivelles, a well-known actor at the time, recitedagrandiloquent Spanish poem by Marquina, to the glory ofthe soldiersin Flanders. Like all patriotic displays, it made me nauseous."Listen," I whispered to Ugarte and an actor named Peiia at thedinner table, "when I blow my nose, that's the signal to get up. Justfollow me and we'll take that ridiculous tree to pieces!"Which is exactly what we did, although it's not easy to dismembera Christmas tree. In fact, we got a great many scratches for somerather pathetic results, so we resigned ourselves to throwing thepresents on the floor and stomping on them. The room was absolutelysilent; everyone stared at us, openrnouthed."<strong>Luis</strong>," Tono's wife finally said. "That was unforgivable."

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