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this wasn't enough. Saint-Cyr demanded a public apology. Sadoulleft France (the ever-generous de Noailles gave him four thousandfrancs), but rumor had it that Caupenne got down on his knees andbegged forgiveness in the presence of the entire student body. WhenI think back on this story, I can still see the sadness and vulnerabilityin Breton's eyes when he told me so many years later that no onecould be scandalized anymore.During this time, I came to know many writers and painterswho flirted briefly with the movement, as well as others who wenttheir way alone~painters like Fernand Leger, whom I often ran intoin Montparnasse, and Andre Masson, who rarely came to meetingsbut maintained friendly relations with the group. The real surrealistpainters, however, were Dali, Tanguy, Arp, Mir6, Magritte, andMax Ernst. The last, who already belonged to the Dada movement,was a close friend of mine. The surrealist call had found him inGermany, as it had Man Ray in the States. Ernst told me that beforethe formation of the surrealist group, he, Arp, and Tzara were attendinga gallery opening in Zurich. Since he'd always found theidea of child perversion seductive, he'd asked a little girl to come upon the stage in her first communion dress, hold up a lighted taper,and recite a hardcore pornographic text. Of course, she didn't understanda word of it, but the scandal was considerable, and verysatisfying.Ernst was very handsome; he had the power and majesty of aneagle and, in fact, had eloped during a dinner party with Marie-Berthe, the sister of the scriptwriter Jean Aurenche, who played asmall part in L'Age d'w. One year, Ernst spent his vacation in thesame village as the darling of Parisian high society, Angeles Ortiz,who'd made more conquests than he could count. It seems that Ortizand Ernst fell in love with the same woman, and after a short contestOrtiz emerged victorious. A short time later, Breton and Eluardcame to see me on the rue Pascal, claiming that Ernst had accusedme of helping Ortiz win the lady. On behalf of Max, who was waitingon the corner, they demanded an explanation. I knew absolutely

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