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Surrealism (1929-1933) "7this character was a reference to King Victor Emmanuel, also diminutive,and filed a complaint.)Although there were problems with several of the actors, particularlythe Russian emigre who played the orchestra leader (and nota very good one at that), I was delighted with the statue, which hadbeen made especially for the film. Paul Eluard did the voice-over,the one saying: "Put your head here . . . it's cooler on the pillow. "(L'Age d'or was the second or third sound film made in France.) AndLionel Salem, the Christ-role specialist, played the Duc de Blangisin the last part of the movie, as an hommage to de Sade.I haven't seen L'Age d'w since it was made, so I can't really saywhat I think of it. Although Dali compared it to American films(undoubtedly from a technical point of view), he later wrote that hisintentions "in writing the screenplay" were to expose the shamefulmechanisms of contemporary society. For me, it was a film aboutpassion, I'amour fou, the irresistible force that thrusts two peopletogether, and about the impossibility of their ever becoming one.While we were making L'Age d'w, the surrealists attacked anightclub on the boulevard Edgar Quinet which had unwisely takenits name from the title of Lautrkmont's Les Chants de Maldorw. Thesurrealists all had a passionate veneration for the works of Lautrkmont.I was excused from this exercise because, as a foreigner, Irisked serious trouble with the police by participating in an assaulton a public place. The action turned into a national scandal; the clubwas ransacked and Aragon received a knife wound. A Rumanianjournalist who'd written a favorable review of Un Chten andalou waspresent at the fray, but this time he objected strenuously to thesurrealists' tactics. (When he showed up on the set at Billancourttwo days later, I had him thrown out.)The first screening was attended only by close friends and tookplace at the de Noailles', who once again said, in their British accents,that they found the film "exquisite and delicious." Shortly afterward,they organized another screening in the morning at the Pantheontheatre, this time for the tout-Paris. I wasn't there, but Juan Vicens

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