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where; it seemed so silly to me that I outlawed the custom on theset when we were filming Ceka s'appeffe f'aurore.All of us were supporters of a certain concept of revolution, andalthough the surrealists didn't consider themselves terrorists, theywere constantly fighting a society they despised. Their principalweapon wasn't guns, of course; it was scandal. Scandal was a potentagent of revolution, capable of exposing such social crimes as theexploitation of one man by another, colonialist imperialism, religioustyranny-in sum, all the secret and odious underpinnings of a systemthat had to be destroyed. The real purpose of surrealism was not tocreate a new literary, artistic, or even philosophical movement, butto explode the social order, to transform life itself. Soon after thefounding of the movement, however, several members rejected thisstrategy and went into "legitimate" politics, especially the Communistpany, which seemed to be the only organization worthy ofthe epithet "revolutionary."Like the s&oritos I knew in Madrid, most surrealists came fromgood families; as in my case, they were bourgeois revolting againstthe bourgeoisie. But we all felt a certain destructive impulse, a feelingthat for me has been even stronger than the creative urge.. The ideaof burning down a museum, for instance, has always seemed moreenticing than the opening of a cultural center or the inauguration ofa new hospital.What fascinated me most, however, in all our discussions at theCyrano, was the moral aspect of the movement. For the first time inmy life I'd come into contact with a coherent moral system that, asfar as I could tell, had no flaws. It was an aggressive morality basedon the complete rejection of all existing values. We had other criteria:we exalted passion, mystification, black humor, the insult, and thecall of the abyss. Inside this new territory, all our thoughts andactions seemed justifiable; there was simply no room for doubt.Everything made sense. Our morality may have been more demandingand more dangerous than the prevailing order, but it was alsostronger, richer, and more coherent.

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